Vocabulary - W(w)
- wrestle:(v)指搏鬥、設法解決;(n)指摔角、鬥爭。
〉〉 We're wresting with the problem. (我們正絞盡腦汁處理此問題。)
- would-be:(a)想要成為的、原想要的、假冒的。
〉〉 a would-be suicide (未遂的自殺)
- work out: (v.phr.)解決,如預期進展,耗竭(資源、體力等)。
〉〉 The project works out well. (這項計畫進展順利。)
〉〉 I wonder at you. (你怎麼搞的。)
- wind up with: (phr.)以擁有...做為結束。
〉〉 I don't want to wind up with all the kids for the weekend. (我不想跟所有這些小孩共度週末。)
- ward off: (v. phr.)阻擋、阻止。
〉〉 We built fires to ward off the cold. (我們生火驅寒意。)
- watch over someone or something:(慣用語)監看或照料某人或某事。
- what if: (ad)要是...如何;要是...會怎麼樣。
〉〉 What if John Fitzgerald Kennedy had not been 會(要是甘迺迪總統沒有被暗殺會怎麼樣?)
- when the dust settles:(慣用語)字面意義為塵埃落定;形容事情平靜下來。
- wield:(v)使用、掌握、控制。
〉〉 It is still the rich nations which wield the power. (現在掌握大權的仍是富國。)
〉〉 The government plans to impose a windfall profit tax on oil companies. (政府打算對石油公司徵收暴利稅。)
〉〉 A fat duck waddled across the field. (一隻肥鵝搖搖擺擺地穿過田地。)
〉〉 Anna waived her right to become a police. (安那放棄了當警察的權利。)
- wedded to:(a)執著的、堅信的、支持的(對想法、理念等)。
〉〉 Josh is still wedded to the Democratic Party. (喬許還是很支持民主黨。)
- (walk with/have) a spring in your step: 指卻躍邁步。
〉〉 As he walked into the office that morning, there was a spring in this step. (那天早上,他以雀躍步伐走進辦公室。)
〉〉 We have to weed out the weaked player before tourment begins. (我們必須在巡迴賽之前淘汰最弱的球員。)
〉〉The house soon warms up with the heating on. (暖氣一開,屋子裡很快就暖合起來了。)
〉〉I have taken vitamin C in the hope of warding off cold. (我吃了維他命C,希望能預防感冒。)
- weigh(v)秤重;重達;仔細考慮
- whole(a)全部的,全體的,所有的;整個的,完整的,無缺的,無損的;健全的;【數】整(數)的;(自我)完全的;(n)全部,全體;整體,統一體;完全的自我