
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - V(v)

  • vie:(v)競爭、爭奪。
〉〉 They are vying to win the championship for the fifth year in a row. (他們爭取連續第五年奪冠。)
  • vandalize:(v)指肆意破壞公共財物,尤指文化藝術品。
〉〉 The bus shelter was vandalized by a gang of yoths. (那個公車候車亭被一幫青少年大肆破壞。)
  • vandal:(n)指(古代東日耳曼部落)汪達爾人、文化藝術的破壞者、野蠻人;(a)指汪達爾人的、破壞文化藝術的。
〉〉 The damage to the sculpture is the work of vandals. (該雕塑品遭毀損是有心人士所為。)
  • villain:(n)壞人、罪犯。
〉〉 Don't try to make me the villain. It's your own fault that you're having these problem. (不要讓我當壞人。這是你們自己的錯誤,是你們有這些問題。)
  • venerable:(a)德高望重的。
〉〉 venerable family (德高望重的家族。)
  • vulnerable:(a)脆弱易受傷。
〉〉 He was very vulnerable after his divorce. (他在離婚後變得非常脆弱。)
  • volcano:(n)火山。
〉〉 The volcano last erupted 25 years ago. (這座火山上次噴發是在25年前。)
  • vent: (v)發洩憤怒或強烈的負面情緒。
〉〉The football fans vent anger at their team's loss by booing the players. (這群足球迷對球員報以噓聲,藉以發洩對他們支持球隊輸球的怒氣。) 
  • vie:(v)指競爭,後面常接for或with。
〉〉They vied with each other for first place. (他們彼此角逐第一名寶座。)
  • validation(n)批准;確認
  • visible(a)可見的;明顯的;顯而易見的

