
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - I(i)

  • irritable:(a)易怒的。
〉〉 Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today. (說話小心點,他今天脾氣頗大。)
  • interfere:(v)妨礙,干擾。
〉〉 All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. (所有的噪音干擾我的集中力。)
  • in debt:(phr.)負債。
〉〉 I am in debt to her for 500 dollars. (我欠她500元。)
  • in the line of duty: (phr.)值勤時。
〉〉 Police officers have to do things they may not like in the line of duty. (警察執行公務時,必須去做他們或許不喜歡的事。)
  • impale:(v)指以尖物刺穿、釘住作為懲罰、逼視、使陷入困境。
〉〉 She impale him on a dilemma. (她讓他進退維谷。)
  • inhibit:(v)抑制。
〉〉 This drug inhibit the growth of tumours. (這種藥可以抑制腫瘤生長。)
  • infringe:(v)侵犯、違反。
〉〉 My rights must not be infringed. (我的專利不得被侵犯。)
  • intimacy:(n)親密、親暱的言行。
〉〉 It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years. (從他們風趣的親暱言行,可明顯看出他們已是多年好友。)
  • immun: (a)免疫的。
〉〉 They are immun to criticism. (他們對批評免疫。)
  • in the grip of: (phr.)受到...影響、控制。
〉〉 The country was in the grip of a continuing and depression. (這國家陷入持續且深層的衰退。)
  • in hot pursuit of: (preposition phr.)  指緊緊追趕、熱切追求。
〉〉 The police are in hot pursuit of the suspect. (警方強力追緝該名嫌犯。)
  • impair:(v)指損害、削弱、減少。
〉〉 Poor food will impair your health. (粗劣的食物會損害你的健康。)
  • in good spirits: 情緒、心境佳,反之in poor(low) spirits則指情緒低落。
  • immerse:(v)沉浸。
〉〉 She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture. (她從圖書館借了一些書,然後沉浸在猶太歷史和文化之中。)
  • (sth be) in the air:(phr.),(某是)即將發生,充滿(情緒、感受),(傳言)流傳。
〉〉 You can sense change is in the air. (你能感覺到改變即將到來。)
  • In front of: (慣用語)在...前面。
〉〉 A widower whose wife was killed in front of their toddler son when an 85-year-old driver confused the pedals of his car has made an impassioned plea for his family's story to be used as a cautionary tale against dangerous driving among the elderly. (1名鰥夫慷慨激昂地籲請眾人,將他的妻子在幼子面前被搞錯汽車踏板的85歲駕駛人撞死的家族故事,故為老年人駕駛危險性的警告教訓。)
  • in the buff:(phr)赤身裸體。
  • insidious:(a)(疾病等)不知不覺間造成傷害的;隱伏的。
    〉〉 Most people with this insidious disease have no idea they are infected. (大多數人罹患這種難察覺的疾病,都不知道他們已被感染。) 
    • intoxicated:(a)喝醉的;興奮或陶醉到有點無法清楚思考。
    〉〉 Many politicians are intoxicated with power. (許多政治人物權力薰心。)
    • in the wake of: 跟隨...,在...之後。
    〉〉 hunger and disease in the wake of war (戰爭帶來的飢餓與疾病)
    • indicate:(v)指出、表明、象徵。
    〉〉 The map indicates where the treasure is buried. (地圖顯示寶藏埋藏所在地。)
    • implausible:(a)難以致信的。
    〉〉 The whole plot of film is ridiculously implausible. (這部電影的情節全都荒謬得讓人難以置信。)
    • invisible:(a)無形的、看不見的。
    〉〉 Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings. (觀光業為了這座島嶼帶來40%無形的收益。)
    • ingenious:巧妙的、足智多謀的。
    〉〉 The chief were ingenious at finding reasons not to move. (這些首長善於尋找按兵不動的理由。)
    • inflation:(n)通貨膨脹。
    〉〉 The government has been unable to control inflation. (政府已無法控制通貨膨脹。)
    • insular:(a)(思想、觀念)狹隘的,孤立的,有偏見的。
    〉〉 The president is criticized for his insularity. (總統因心胸狹隘遭批評。)
    • identical:(a)類似的。
    〉〉 The two rooms were virtually identical. (這兩房間幾乎一模一樣。)
    • installation:(n)裝置、設置,或指就任儀式。
      〉〉 His installation as mayor will take place tomorrow. (他的市長就職典禮將在明天舉行。)
      • in advance:(慣用語)預先。
      • impose:(v)(官方)開徵、加於、強加。
      〉〉 The proposal of the government to impose a tax of 1% real property was rejected by all the larger cities. (政府開徵1%房地產稅的提案遭所有大城市拒絕。)
      • incompatible:(a)指不相容、不匹配的、不協調一致的、矛盾的、無法並存的。
      〉〉 He behavior is incompatible with her role. (他的行為和他的身分不相稱。)
      • in the middle of (something):(慣用語)字面意義:在...中央(本文用法);引申形容:忙著做某事。
      〉〉 When he called, I was in the middle of feeding my cat. (他打電話來時我正在餵貓。)
      • intriguing:(a)有趣的,富魅力的。
      〉〉 She has a really  intriguing personality. (她的個性真的很有魅力。)
      • in the event of:如果...發生,萬一。
      〉〉 In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. (如果下雨,派對將在室內舉行。)
      • infusion:(n)注入、泡製。
      〉〉 An infusion of 100,000 dollars into the company is required. (公司需要注入10萬美元的資金。)
      • identical:(a)完全相同的。
      〉〉 They wear identical coats. (他們穿一模一樣的外套。)
      • invention:(n)發明。
      〉〉 The light bulb was one of the most important invention of the 19th century. (燈泡是19世紀最重要的發明之一。)
      • ingredient:(n)原料成分、要素。
      〉〉 What are the ingredients of the cake? (這蛋糕是用哪些原料作成的?)
      • injunction:(n)命令、指令。(法院的)強制令、禁止令。
      〉〉 In case of urgency, the court may grant an injunction. (在緊急情況下,法院可能授予禁止令。)
      • infraction:(n)違背;違法。
      〉〉 Vehicular homicide is not a slight infraction but a serious felony. (車禍致人於死並非輕微的違法,而是嚴重的犯罪。)
      • in the hopes of:(慣用語)形容期待某事。
      〉〉 The suspect is cooperating with police in hopes of reducing his sentence. (嫌犯與警方合作盼能藉此減輕刑責。)
      • incarceration:(n)監禁(不限於監獄)
      〉〉 His conviction of a robbery led to his incarceration. (他因搶劫被定罪進而入獄。)
      • in the cross-hairs: (a)身為攻擊、批評目標的。
      〉〉 These gangster are in the cross-hairs of police and they will have no place to hide. (這群匪徒是警方打擊對象,無處可躲。)
      • inspire: 激起、產出(感情,思想)。
      〉〉The book was inspired by his travels in the Far East. (這本書是他在遠東旅行時發想的。)
      • in labor: (prep)指勞動中,處於分娩狀態。
      〉〉My wife is in labor. (我老婆正在生產。)
      • intellectual property: (n)智慧財產。
      〉〉Nowaday people are paying more attention to intellectal property rights. (現在人們日益注重智慧財產權。)
      • identical(a)同一的,同樣的;完全相同的,完全相似的;(雙胞)一卵的,同卵的;同源的;
      • impact(n)衝擊,撞擊,碰撞;衝擊力,撞擊力;影響;作用;影響;影響力;效果
      • in fact事實上;實際上
      • insect(n)昆蟲 相似字:bug(n)蟲;worm(n)菜蟲
      • intelligent(a)有才智的;聰明的;明智的;有理性的;【電腦】智能的;能將數字信息轉換成硬拷貝的;了解的,熟悉的[(+of/about)];

