
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - F(f)

  • follow sth up:(phr.)追查...的更多情況;對...採取進一步行動。
〉〉 The idea sounded interring and I decided to follow it up. (這個想法聽起來很有趣,我決定要進一步了解。)
  • forego:(v)放棄,自制。也寫為「forgo」。
〉〉 I have to forego my vacation for this big project. (為了這項重要專案,我必須放棄度假。)
  • file:(v)提出(申訴、訴訟)、歸納檔案。
〉〉 A complaint has been filed against me. (對我的控訴日被提出。)
  • free up: (v. phr.)釋放、騰出(空間、時間或金錢等資源以便使用)
〉〉 please free up your schedule for this meeting. (請為這場會議空出時間。)
  • flimsy:(a)薄弱的。
〉〉 They have only the flimsiest of evidence against him. (他們只有這個薄弱的證據去反駁他。)
  • fleeting:(a)迅速的,短暫的。
〉〉 a fleeting glimpse 匆匆一撇;a fleeting visit 短戰的訪問
  • forerunner:(n)先驅、前兆。
〉〉 Swallows are the forerunners of spring. (燕子現身是春天來臨的前兆。)
  • feed on: (片語動詞)指以為食物或能源。
〉〉 Money and power feed on each other. (金錢與權力彼此助長。)
  • felony:(n)重罪。
〉〉 The crime is considered a felony under state law. (在州法律規定下,這項罪行被認定為重罪。)
  • fly off the shelf:(慣用語)意指商品暢銷。
  • face up to sth:(片語)正視。
〉〉 She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her. (她必須面對他不會娶她的事實。)
  • follow the example of:仿效、效法。
〉〉 Don't follow the example of your father one day when you are married. (有一天你結婚了,別學你老爸的樣子。)
  • fluctuation:(n)波動,變動。
〉〉 Violent fluctuations in oil prices will affect the global economy. (油價劇烈波動將影響全球經濟。)
  • find out:(片語動詞)找出、查明。
〉〉 He finally found out what his wife wanted. (她終於知道她的妻子要什麼。)
  • fit in:(片語)相合。
〉〉 It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the room. (這張沙發很漂亮,但是跟房間其他家具不搭。)
  • fuel:(v)助長,激起。
  • 〉〉 The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fueled resentment within the company. (董事的兒子升太快了,引發公司內部的不滿情緒。)
  • for the sake of:(介係詞)因為(某人、某事)的緣故,為了滿足(某人、某事),看在(某人、某事)的份上。
〉〉 Ross quit smoking for the sake of his children's health. (羅斯為了它的孩子的健康著想戒煙了。)
  • flurry:(n)指一陣風、雨或雪,或指爆發、騷動;(v)爆發、騷動、使迷亂、使慌張,或指慌張行動。
〉〉 Those young guys are all in a flurry. (那些年輕人慌慌張張、毛毛躁躁的。)
  • fete:(n)指園遊會、重大節日、盛宴、慶祝;(v)指宴請款待、致敬。
〉〉 The designer is feted in New York. (那個設計師在紐約很受歡迎。)
  • feces:(n)指排泄物、糞便、渣滓。(a)fecal。
  • fossilize:(v)使成化石。
〉〉 The mud helped to preserve and fossilize the wood. (泥將能幫助木頭保存及石化。)
  • flaunt:(v)炫耀、招搖。另有搔首弄姿、飄揚之意。
〉〉 He is flaunting his fancy car again. (他又在炫耀他的高級名車。)
  • faction:(n)派系、小集團、內訌。
〉〉 After a tragic battle for management right of company, the board of directors soon split into factions. (在公司經營權腥風血雨的爭奪戰後,董事會很快就分裂成數派。)
  • for the rest of one's life:(慣用語)餘生,到死為止。
  • follow up:(v)跟進、追蹤,後續行動(以加強效果、掌握進度或者進一步了解)。
〉〉 I'll follow up on it and make sure everything is done right. (我會追蹤進度,確保萬無一失。)
  • flashlight: (n)手電筒。
  • fend off: (vp)抵擋、擊退、迴避。
〉〉 Joey fended off these attackers with bare hands. (喬伊徒手擊退這群攻擊者。)
  • flight back(at someone or something):(慣用語)(對某人或某事)反擊。
〉〉 It is quite difficult for her to fight back against three of them by herself. (他一個人要反擊他們3人並非易事。)
  • float:(v)漂浮。
〉〉 Wood floats on water. (木頭飄浮在水面上。)
  • flaunt: (v)炫耀、賣弄。
〉〉 The way he flaunts his wealth is so disgusting. (他炫富的樣子真令人討厭。)
  • fail over(n)故障復原
  • fake(vt)偽造,捏造,冒充;(vi)假裝,佯攻,做假動作;(n)冒牌貨,仿造品;(a)假的,冒充的;
  • far away遠處;(離...)很遠
  • foreigner(n)外國人
  • future(n)未來,將來;(a)未來的,將來的;

