
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - R(r)

  • responder:(n)只回應者、應答者、響應者。
〉〉 First responder to that explosion just arrived on the scene. (處理該爆炸案的第一線應變人員剛抵達現場。)
  • rout:(n)潰敗,或指烏合之眾;(v)打擊潰、打垮。
〉〉 The enemy war routed. (敵人被打敗了。)
  • replenish:(v)再裝滿,補充。
〉〉 We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to replenish our reserves. (我們必須額外進口400萬噸小麥,以補充我們的儲備糧食。)
  • roughly:(ad.)大約、粗暴地。
〉〉 He threw the package roughly in the car. (他把行李粗魯地丟入車內。)
  • respective:(a)各別的,各自的。
  • regard:(v)把...認為;尊重、尊敬。
〉〉 He regards his teacher highly. (他很尊敬他的老師。)
  • remour:(n)謠傳、傳說,亦可作動詞。此處為英式拼法,美式拼法作rumor。
〉〉 He is remoured to have been married in Australia. (據說她已經在澳洲結了婚。)
  • rake:(v)迅速取得、探索。
〉〉 She raked in a fortune. 她撈進大筆錢財。
  • resilience:(n)彈性、恢復力,(a)resilient,指有彈性的、彈回的。
〉〉 The local enconomy is resilient well. (當地經濟復原得很好。)
  • result in:(phr.)導致、促成。
〉〉 Their dispute resulted in war. (他們的爭端引發戰爭。)
  • row:(v)爭吵。
〉〉 They were rowing again. (他們又再次爭吵。)
  • rife with: (慣用語)充滿的,充斥的。
〉〉The report is rife with grammar errors. (這篇報告充斥文法錯誤。)
  • remaining:(a)剩下的,剩餘的。
  • rebound:(v)回升、彈回。
〉〉 She rebounded quickly from the loss. (她迅速從失敗中反彈振作。)
  • range from A to B: (片語動詞)指範圍從A至B。
〉〉 Prices range from $1 to $10. (價格從1美元至10美元都有。)
  • recover:(v)指恢復、找回、重拾健康。
〉〉 She iis fully recovered from a severe mental illness. (她以從嚴重的心理疾病完全康復。)
  • resident:(n)指居民、定居者、住院醫師;(a)指居住的、定居的、常駐的、內在固有的。
〉〉 He stayed there as resident designer for several years. (他以常駐設計師身分待在那裏好幾年。)
  • raise hackles:激怒。
〉〉 It might raise diplomatic hackles. (那可能激怒外交界。)
  • ramp up:(v)增加,增強,上升,加速。
〉〉 The United States has ramped up security at all government buildings after the terrorist attack. (美國在發生恐怖攻擊後,已加強所有政府機關的維安。)
  • reproduce:(v)繁殖。
〉〉 Animals can reproduce their own kind. (動物能夠繁殖同類。)
  • realise(realize):(v)了解, 知道。
〉〉 Do you realise (that) this is the third time you've forgotten? She said angrily. (「你知不知道這已經是你第三次忘記了?」)她生氣地說。
  • resistant:(a)抗拒的,對...有抵抗能力的。
〉〉 a disease-resistant variety  of tomato (抗病害的蕃茄品種)
  • rise about:(動詞片語)指不受影響、超越、克服。
    〉〉 He tries to rise above circumstance. (他試圖不受環境至約。)
    • relay:(n)接力、傳達;也可作動詞,指換班、傳送。
      〉〉 The students work in relay to clean the classroom after earthquake. (學生在地震後接力清理教室。)
      • rotation:(n)旋轉、交替、輪流。
      〉〉 Rose and lily are planted in rotation. (玫瑰與百合輪流的方式栽種。)
      • roam:(v)流浪、漫遊。
      〉〉 The cats roam around freely in the friendly neighbornhood. (貓咪在友善的社區裡自在遊走。)
      • reserve:(n)保護區、儲備;(v)作儲存、保留。
      〉〉 Monica reserves her best china dishes for important occassions. (莫妮卡將她最好的磁器餐具留待重要的場合使用。)
      • repeal:(v)廢除(法令)、撤銷、取消,也可作名詞。
      〉〉 The society urges to repeal the year-end bonus of retired civil servants. (社會疾呼廢除退休公務員的年終慰問金。)
      • rule out:(片語)排除在外。
        〉〉 The governor has not rule out the possibility to run for presidency. (州長不排除競選總統的可能性。)
        • revamp:(v)修補、改造、重整。
          〉〉 The manager decided to vevamp the design of its best-selling product. (經理決定重整期最暢銷產品的設計。)
          • reference:(n)指提及、涉及、參考、查閱、關聯。
          〉〉 I made a reference to a directory before replying to you. (我回覆你前曾參考字典。) 
          • reaction:(n)(化學)反映,作用。
          〉〉 The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen make water. (氫和氧的作用產生水。)
          • replace:(v)取代。
          • restlessness:(n)坐立難安,焦躁。(a)restless。
          〉〉 He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long. (他是坐不住那型的 - 從來不會在一個國家待太久時間。)
          • retake:(v)重考、重學、再取。
          〉〉 The allies retook the city after severe fighting. (經過激戰後盟軍重奪該城。)
          • refuse:(n)廢料、廢物。
          〉〉 a pile of refuse. (一堆廢料。)
          • rehabilitation:(n)修復、恢復。
          〉〉 Thomas will need to do months of physical rehabilitation after a knee surgery. (湯瑪士在膝蓋手術後需要做數個月的身體復健。)
          〉〉 (v)rehabiliate: The country is trying to rehabilitate its slum areas. (國家正試著重整貧民窟地區。)
          • row: (v)指使成排、划船、爭吵、吵鬧;(n)指排、列、划船,口語上有吵架、口角或喧鬧之意。
          〉〉 She had a row with her neighbor. (她與她的鄰居吵了一架。)
          • ring (someone/something) up: (vp.)打電話給某人/某地;向某人收取或記錄某物款項,結帳。
          〉〉Please ring it up for me. (請幫我結帳。)
          • regarding(prep)關於;就...而論;
          • roll out()轉出

