
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - K(k)

  • kick up a fuss:(片語)大聲抱怨。
〉〉 Our food was cold so my father kicked up a fuss and refused to pay the service charge. (我們的食物是冷的,所以我爸大聲抱怨,拒絕付小費。)
  • keep to oneself:(片語動詞)不與人往來。
〉〉 Rachel always keeps to herself. (瑞秋總是獨來獨往。)
  • knock down:(動詞片語)指擊倒、駁斥、拆卸、拍賣出、大幅降價。
〉〉 He tried to persuade her to knock down the price of the apartment. (他嘗試說服她降低公寓的價格。)
  • keep track: 在此指持續紀錄,也有了解之意。
〉〉 From now on I am going to keep track of every cent I spread. (從現在起,我要了解我的每分錢用在哪裡。)
  • keep(v)保留;保持;撫養;經營;遵守

