
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - P(p)

  • pesky:(a)惱人的。
〉〉 I've been trying to get rid of this pesky guy for weeks. (我已試圖擺脫這個惱人的傢伙好幾週了。)
  • pronounced:(a)顯著的、明顯的、決斷的。
〉〉 The taste of raw garlic is very pronounced. (生大蒜的味道非常明顯。)
  • plot:(n)陰謀、秘密計畫;作(v)指密謀、策劃、測定(位置)。
〉〉 We are plotting to rob the bank. (我們正密謀搶銀行。)
  • pay off:(phar.)得到好結果、成功、奏效。
〉〉 The effort pay off in the long run. (這種努力最終會得到好結果。)
  • premature:(a)過早的,不成熟的。
〉〉 She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. (她似乎有點太早放棄這份工作。)
  • prone:(a)有...傾向、易於...的,亦可指面向下、傾斜的。
〉〉 Amy was prone to emotional outbursts under stress. (愛咪在壓力下容易情緒爆發。)
  • pole vault: 撐竿跳。
  • precaution:(n)指預防,防備,警惕。
〉〉 We have to take precautions against fire. (我們須採取防火措施。)
  • pay over the odds for:(v.phr.)為某物付出超過其真正所值的價錢。
〉〉 I won't pay over the odds for this car. (我不會為這輛車付出超過其應有價值的錢。)
  • prohibitively:(ad)(費用)讓人望之卻步地。
〉〉 Property in the area tends to be prohibitively expensive. (這個地區的房價,越來越讓人望之卻步。)
  • plunge:(a)使陷入。
〉〉 A series of bad management decisions are responsible for the company's plunge into debt. (一連串糟糕的經營決策,是造成這家公司陷入負債的原因。)
  • pass sth down:(phr.)把...傳給後人,把...往下傳。
〉〉 He's engaged in family trade, passed down from generation to generation. (他是做家族事業,一代一代傳下來的。)
  • pen:(v)撰寫。
〉〉 She penned a note of thanks to her hostness. (她寫了一封感謝函給女主人。)
  • parade:(n) 遊行。
〉〉 After the team won the championship, the city had a parade for them. (在那支球隊贏得冠軍,這座城市為他們舉辦遊行。)
  • prompt:(v.)促使、激起。
〉〉 Her curiosity prompted her to ask questions. (她的好奇心驅使她發問。)
  • play on/upon (something): (phr.)以不正當手段使他人做某事,利用。
〉〉 Politicians often win votes by playing on people's emotions. (政客經常藉由玩弄民眾的感情贏得選票。)
  • possession:(n)指擁有、佔有、所有物、財產、領地、鬼魂附體。
〉〉 Our enemy took possession of the land. (我們的敵人佔據了那塊土地。)
  • pronounced:(a)顯著的、明顯的。
〉〉 I'm told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak French. (有人告訴我,我說法文時英國口音非常明顯。)
  • perception:(n)感覺、感知、洞察力。
    〉〉 She has extraordinary power of perception for one so young. (她這麼年輕就有超凡的洞察力。)
    • prevent from doing: (慣用語)避免做某事。
    〉〉 How can I prevent myself from being tagging in Facebook photos? (我該怎麼做才能讓自己不被標註再臉書照片上?)
    • pacify: (v)安撫,和解,平息。
    〉〉 Government forces have pacified the riots. (政府軍弭平暴動。)
    • pull together: (慣用語)通力合作,同心協力。
    • pull off:(phr. v.)指脫下、拔掉、成功完成、贏得。
    〉〉 She tried her best to pull of the competition. (她卯足全力贏得該場比賽。)
    • plead guilty:(phr. v.)指招認、認罪。
    〉〉 She pleaded guilty to the charge brought against her. (她承認所有加諸於她的指控罪名。)
    • put up:(phr.)建造、搭建、建設。
    〉〉 put up a fingerpost (豎立路標)。
    • persecution:(n)迫害、困擾。
    〉〉 He speaks up against America's persecution of suspected communists. (他為美國迫害疑似共產主義者發聲。)
    • predictable:(a)可預期的、意料中的、老套的。
    〉〉 The ending to the film was just so predictable. (這部電影的結局真老套。)
    • plausible:(a)可信的;(n)plausibility, 可信的。
    〉〉 In chapter 2 she goes on to test the plausibility of these assumptions. (這第二章裡,她繼續檢驗這些假說的可信度。)
    • put forward:(慣用語)提出,推薦。
    〉〉 She put several suggestions forward in the meeting. (她在會議上提出幾項建議。)
    • probation:(n)緩刑。
    〉〉 She was arrested while on probation. (她在緩刑期間遭到逮捕。)
    • plummet:(v)直線下降。
    〉〉 Temperature are expected to plummet this weekend. (這週末的氣溫預估會直線下降。)
    • presto:突然的、立即的。
    〉〉 I put my hand into the hat and presto! Out comes a rabbit! (我將手放進帽子,瞬間跑出一隻兔子。)
    • -phobic:恐懼...的、憎惡...的。
    〉〉 Islamophobic (伊斯蘭恐懼症、反伊斯蘭的。)
    • pop the question:(俚語)(v)求婚。
    〉〉 Did he pop the question last night? (他昨晚求婚了嗎?)
    • pull in somebody/something or pull somebody/something in:(慣用語)吸引大量人或事。
    〉〉 The play has been pulling the crowd in since it opened. (這齣劇自開演起就吸引許多人觀賞。)
    • prop up:(v)支撐,扶持,提振。
    〉〉 Beijing unveiled dramatic steps to prop up its stock market. (中國政府公佈提振期股市的重大措施。)
    • point at someone or something:(慣用語)指著某人或某物。
    〉〉 The gun pointed directly at her. She was frightened. (她被槍指著,嚇壞了。)
    • pull off:(成功或艱苦地)完成、做成、贏得。
    〉〉 She pulled off a million-pound deal. (她好不容易做成一筆百萬英鎊的生意。)
    • punctuate:(v)指加標點符號、不時打斷、加強、強調。
    〉〉 The student started tp learn to punctuate correctly. (學生開始學習正確地使用標點符號。)
    • piece together: 拼合、組合。
    〉〉 She tried hard to piece together all the facts. (她努力將所有的事實拼湊起來。)
    • proliferation:(n)激增。
    〉〉 Small businesses have proliferation in the last ten years. (小企業在過去10年間大量湧現。)
    • prone:(a)易於...的、有...傾向的。
    〉〉 Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. (日本是全世界最常發生地震的國家之一。)
    • preferably:(ad)可能的話、更好的是。
    〉〉 Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning. (一週幫這些植物澆2次水,最好早上澆。)
    • plaster:(n)石膏,灰泥。
    〉〉 plaster walls(石灰泥牆)
    • prematurely:(ad)過早地,倉卒地。
    〉〉 Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known. (結果尚未分曉,他們似乎過早批評了。)
    • prevalence:(n)盛行率、普遍率
    〉〉 The prevalence of smoking amongst teenagers. (抽菸在青少年族群風行的程度。)
    • profanity:(n)褻瀆、不敬之語。
    〉〉 I have never heard my father use a single profanity. (我從沒聽過我父親講髒話。)
    • press a case:(vp)指不斷設法使他人接受要求。
    〉〉 I would rather not press the case. (我傾向不再追究此事。)
    • press-up:(n)伏地挺身。
    〉〉 one-arm ppress-up. (單手伏地挺身。)
    • pay off:(v.p.)指清償完畢、付完工資後解雇、取得成功、有利可圖。
    〉〉 It paied off. (搞定了。)
    〉〉 He needs to pay off all his debts. (他需要還清他所有的債務。)
      • prevention:(n)預防。
      〉〉 The organization is committed to AIDS prevention and education. (該組織致力於愛滋病防治與教育。)
      • pageant: (n)指壯觀場面、花車遊行、盛宴慶典、露天歷史劇。
      〉〉 Disneyland presents their spectacular festival pageant: The Mainstreet Electrical Parade. (迪士尼樂園定期地呈現它們的華麗喜慶盛宴:電子花車大遊行。)
      • petition: (n/v)請求、請願。
      〉〉 They collected 10,000 signatures on a petition to amend the referendum act. (他們在請願書蒐集了1萬個簽名以修正公投法。)
      • poverty line: (n)貧窮線。
      〉〉There are 32 million people live below the poverty line in Indonisia. (印尼有3200萬人生活在貧窮線之下。)
      • pose:(v)造成、引起。
      〉〉The protest movement poses a direct threat to their interests. (抗議運動對他們的利益構成直接威脅。)
      • popularity: (n)受歡迎。
      〉〉The increasing popularity of organic food. (有機食品越來越受歡迎。)
      • pitch in: (ph.)共襄盛舉一同伸援協助。
      〉〉We must all pitch in and do our part. (我門必須伸援幫忙,盡自己的一份力。)
      • push (up) against someone or something: (ph.) 對某人或某物施加壓力。
      〉〉The small cat pushed up against my foot, meowing for food. (那隻小貓挨著我的腳磨蹭,喵喵叫著乞食。)
      • pull over: (VP)指拉過來、靠路邊停車、靠岸。
      The cop ordered him to pull over. (那警察命令他路邊停車。)
      • pick up on(something):(VP)指注意到或留意到某事。
      〉〉He didn't pick up on the hint. (他沒有注意到這個暗示。)
      • percent(n)百分比[數字+percent];(a)百分之...的
      • phenomenon(n)現象;稀有的事,奇蹟;非凡的人,傑出的人才;
      • pilot(n)(船舶的)領航員,舵手;(飛機等的)駕駛員,飛行員;嚮導,領導人;【美】(機車等的)排障器;【機】【電】導向器,指示燈;(廣播或電視的)試播節目;(a)引導的,導向的;(小規模)試驗性的,試點的;(vt)給(船等)領航[(+on/in/over)];駕駛(飛機等);帶領,引導,使順利通過;
      • preferred(a)更好的;被喜好的;優先的
      • previous(a)先的,前的,以前的;過早的,過急的;(ad)在前,在先,在以前;
      • purpose(n)目的,意圖;用途,效用,效果;意志,決心;(討論中的)議題;(vt)[書]意圖;決意;打算;

