Vocabulary - H(h)
〉〉 The warm weather is harbinger of spring. (溫暖天氣預告春天即將到來。)
- hash browns:(n)薯餅。Hash Brown Potatoes的簡稱,1888年美食家Maria Parloa首次將Has Brown Potatoes納入食譜,20世紀初成為美國最受歡迎的早餐菜色之一。)
- hurly-burly:(n)喧囂。
〉〉 We left the hurly-byrly of city life and moved the contryside. (我們離開喧鬧的都市生活,搬到鄉下去。)
- home court advanage:(慣用語)主場優勢。
- hypothermia:(n)失溫。
〉〉 Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below 35C. (核心溫度低於攝氏35度就是失溫。)
〉〉 He lives on handouts from the government. (他靠政府發放救濟金過活。)
- heartwarming:(a)溫暖人心的、感人的。
〉〉 a heartwarming sight (感人的一幕)
- hyperinflation:(n)惡性、極度通貨膨脹。無法控制之通膨,一般認定為每個月通膨達50%以上。
- histrionics:(n)裝模作樣。
〉〉 I'd had enough of Lydia's histrionics. (我受夠了莉迪亞的裝模作樣。)
- homewrecker:(俚語)(n)通常指介入他人感情、婚姻的第三者。
〉〉 Joey denies that he is a homewrcker. (喬伊否認破壞人家家庭。)
- hazard:(n)指危險、危害、機會;(v)指冒險、使陷於危險、賭運氣。
〉〉 He helped others at the hazard of his life. (他冒著生命危險幫助別人。)
〉〉 The goats are herded into the corral. (羊隻被成群趕進畜欄。)
〉〉 Returning swallows herald spring. (歸來的燕子預告春天來臨。)
- hand down:(動詞片語)正式宣布判決;(遺產、習俗等)傳給後代。
〉〉 These legends have been hand down from generation to generation. (這些傳說被一代代傳下來。)
- hand down:(vp)指傳遞下來、正式宣佈。
〉〉 He wants to hand down his knowledge from generation to generation. (他想讓自己的知識代代相傳。)
〉〉 She handed the car keys over to her friend. (他把車鑰匙交給她的朋友。)
- hole up:(v)(俚語)躲藏、暫時留宿、監禁。
〉〉 These bank robber had holed up in the mountains for months before they were arrested. (這批銀行強盜犯被捕前,曾藏匿在這處山區好幾個月。)
〉〉 A human being who is hardwired to be sociable. (社交是人類與生俱來的本性。)
〉〉 We were ordered to hand over our passports. (有人命令我們交出護照。)
〉〉Cattle hides. (牛皮。)
- honorary:(a)榮譽的。
- hit the nail on the head: (Idiom)一針見血,完全說中。hit the nerd on the head 將nail(釘子)換成nerd(書呆子)。