
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - L(l)

  • look forward to something:(慣用語)歡喜期待。
〉〉 I'm really looking forward to seeing you in Taipei next week. (我很期待下週在台北與你相見。)
  • laugh off:(慣用語)以笑掩蓋或對...一笑智之。
〉〉 She laughed off the incident. (她對這件事一笑置之。)
  • liken someone or something to someone or something:(慣用語)把某人或某事比做某人或某事。
〉〉 The actress has been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor. (這位女星一值被比做是年輕版的玉婆伊麗莎白、泰勒。)
  • lookout:(n)守望員、監視者,(口)該關心的事。
〉〉 if they want to throw their money away, that is their lookout. (如果他們想亂花錢,那是他們自己的事。)
  • longevity:(n)長壽、壽命。
〉〉 Her family is known for its longevity. (她的家族以長壽知名。)
  • let loose: (phr. v.)只釋出、放任。
〉〉 She let loose a long sigh. (她發出一道長聲嘆息。)
  • land in: (慣用語)落入某種境地,特別是不好的境地,像是陷入一團亂、入獄或惹上麻煩。
〉〉 You're going to land in jail if you don't mend your ways. (你若不修正你的做法,就等著吃牢飯。)
  • lead by example:(phr.)以身做則。
〉〉 God leaders must lead by example. (好的領導人必須以身作則。)
  • light-hearted:(a)輕鬆愉快的。
〉〉 I found her in a light-hearted mood. (我覺得她的心情不錯。)
  • laundry: (n)指洗衣店、洗衣房、洗好或待洗的衣服、洗燙。
〉〉 She sorted the laundry. (她把髒衣分類。)
  • lovestruck(或寫為love-struck):(a)熱戀的,被愛沖昏頭的。
〉〉 You act like lovestruck teenager. (你的行為就像被愛沖昏的年輕小夥子。)
  • languish:(v)變的無生氣,衰弱。
〉〉 We all languished in the tropocal climate. (受熱帶氣候影響,我們都變得疲倦無力。)
  • lapdog:(n)寵物狗。
〉〉 His coworkers regarded him as the boss's lapdog. (他的工作夥伴視他為老闆的寵物狗。)
  • look to:(片語動詞)指面對朝向、看過去、留神照料、依靠指望、展望思考。
〉〉 You should look to the future. (你應該往前看。)
  • later on:之後、以後、後來
〉〉 I will call again later on. (我以後再打電話來。)
  • latch on to (sb/sth):(v)抓住,理解,糾解(尤指當對方沒興趣時)。
〉〉 Rachel latched on to a rich guy at the party. (瑞秋在派對上緊纏著一個有錢的傢伙。)
  • land in trouble:(vp)指陷入困境。
〉〉 His carelessness has landed him in trouble. (他的粗心大意已讓他陷入麻煩。)
  • loaded:(俚語)(a)非常有錢。
〉〉 Look at Josh's Ferrari! He must be loaded. (看看喬許的法拉利! 他一定很有錢。)
  • Lucullan:(a)富裕的、奢華的。
〉〉 We enjoyed Lucullan food and wines that night. (我們那天晚上享受了奢華美食和美酒。)
  • look forward to:(慣用語)期待,後接名詞或動名詞(V+ing)。
〉〉 We are looking forward to your visit next month. (我們期待你下個月來訪。)
  • loose change: 零錢。
〉〉 TSA callected $531,000 in loose change last year. (美國運輸安全局去年蒐集到53萬1000美元的零錢。)
  • LED: Light Emitting Diode的縮寫,發光二極體。
〉〉 Most digital watches use LED display. (大多數的電子表使用發光二極體顯示螢幕。)
  • lead:(v)指引導、指導、領先、通往、導致、過生活。
〉〉 She leads a happt life with her husband. (她和她的先生過著快樂的生活。)
  • lease: (v)出租;(n)指租約、租賃物。
〉〉 They took out a two-year lease on the house. (他們解除房子為期兩年的租約。)
  • literally:(ad)按照字面地;實在地。
  • lottery:(n)彩卷、摸彩、碰運氣的事。
〉〉 Finding a job there is a lottery. (要在那兒找到工作全得碰運氣。)
  • landscape: (n)風景畫。
〉〉 J.M.W Turner is one of Britain's best-known landscape Painters. (透納是英國最著名的風景畫畫家之一。)
  • liberation: (v)解放、釋放。
〉〉People celebration the liberation from colonial slavery. (人民歡慶從殖民奴役中解放。)
  • look forward to something: (idiom)期待。
〉〉 I'm liiking forward to my trip to Hokkaido next year. (我期待明年的北海道之旅。)
  • listen for: (vp.)留心請聽,以聽見某特定聲音。
〉〉Listen for the footsteps that are getting closer. (注意聽那逐漸接近的腳步聲音。)
  • leave (something/nothing) to chance: (VP),(不)靠運氣解決某事,聽天由命。
〉〉Sam always makes plan for everything. He doesn't leave anything to chance. (山姆向來位每件事情做好計畫。他對任何事情都不心存僥倖。)
  • loosely(adv)鬆散地
  • loosen(v)放鬆

