
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - E(e)

  • equivalent:(a)等值的、等同的。
〉〉 She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money. (她在新公司做同樣的工作,但薪水比以前高。)
  • envisage:(v)想像、設想。
〉〉 The union now envisages strike action. (工會現在打算採取罷工行動。)
  • embark on:(phr.v.) 指從事、進行、乘船、上飛機。
〉〉 He has embarked on world tour. (他正進行一場世界之旅。)
  • exposure:(n)接觸。
〉〉 Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous. (即使只是短期接觸輻射,也非常危險。)
  • extend: (v)延伸,擴大。
〉〉 Rain is expected to extend to all parts of the country by this evening. (今天傍晚之前,預計降雨範圍會擴大到全國各個地區。)
  • endorsement:(n)背書、贊同、支持。
  • 〉〉 Without official endorsement, the project cannot proceed. (沒有官方背書,計畫無法進行。)
  • erupt:(v)指噴發、出疹、或突然發出、加劇、轉變。
〉〉 She erupted into laughter. (她突然大笑。)
  • embezzlement:(n)侵吞、挪用公款;(v)embezzle
〉〉 Amy was caught embezzling money from her clients. (艾咪被逮到挪用客戶的款項。)
  • emanate:(v)(氣味等)發出,散發出。
〉〉 Happiness seems to emanate from her. (幸福的味道似乎從她身上散發出來。)
  • expletive: (a)指填補的、附加的;(n)指填充詞、語助詞、髒話。
〉〉 He often uses expletives in public. (他常常在大庭廣眾之下罵髒話。)
  • enthrall: (v)使著迷。
〉〉 They listened enthralled to what he was saying. (他的描述讓大家聽得如癡如醉。)
  • exotic:(a)指異國的、外來的、奇特的、吸引人的;(n)指舶來品、外國人。
〉〉 There are some exotic words in our language. (我們的語言中有些外來字。)
  • emblazon:(v)用紋章裝飾。
〉〉 The helmets were emblazoned with the team's name. (這頂頭盔上飾有這支隊伍的名稱。)
  • elbow(sb) out:(片語動詞)排擠,強迫某人離開(工作、職位或環境)
〉〉 The board tried to elbow me out. (董事會試圖逼我退出。)
  • etiquette:(n)禮儀。
〉〉 telephone etiquette (電話禮儀)
  • Every dog has its day:(諺語)字面上的意思是[每隻狗都有好運的一天],意指每個人都會有成功的一日、風水輪流轉。
  • end up with someone or something:(慣用語)以與某人或某事做為結束或告終。
〉〉 I thought my date with Jake, but I ended up with his twin brother Frank. (我以為我是跟傑克約會,沒想到最後卻是跟他的雙胞胎兄弟法蘭克。)
  • encourage:(v)鼓勵、促進。
〉〉 The council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation. (委員會為了增加就業漢娛樂設施,鼓勵房地產開發。)
  • epic:(a)史詩、壯麗、極大規模的。
〉〉 an epic snowstorm. (特大暴風雪。)
  • excavate:(v)挖掘。
〉〉 They excavated an ancient city. (他們挖掘一個遠古城市。)
  • enable:(v)使能夠。
〉〉 Training will enable you to find work. (培訓能夠使你找到工作。)
  • elevated:(a)升高的。
〉〉 There is an elevated area at the back of the building. (這棟大樓後面事一片高地。)
  • enter a plea:法律上為提出抗辯、答辯之意,plea又可指請求、藉口。
〉〉 The defendant entered a plea of not guilty. (被告提出無罪的抗辯。)
  • explain away:(vp)搪塞、辯解(為淡化重要性或擺脫責任)。
〉〉 When being questioned about his whereabouts, Ben managed to explain it away. (班被問到他的行蹤時,設法搪塞過去。)
  • expectation:(n)指期待、預料。
〉〉 You're not in this world to live up to others' expectations. (你不是為了滿足他人期待而存在於這個世上的。)
  • end up: (片語)結束、告終。
〉〉 She ended up head of the firm. (她最後成了這家公司的首長。)
  • end up: (vp)指最終變成、最後處於。
〉〉He thought he was going to hate his job, but he ended up enjoying himself. (他以為他會討厭這份工作,但他最後卻樂在其中。)
  • enthusiastic: (a)熱情的、熱切的。
〉〉They were enthusiastic supporters of the president.(他們曾經是總統的熱情支持者。)
  • embargo: (n)禁運,或指封港令、禁止。
〉〉International society urges US  to lift an embargo on Crba. (國際社會呼籲美國解除對古巴的禁運。) 
  • establish:(v)查明、發現。
〉〉Before we take any action we must establish the facts. (我們採取行動前,必須查明事情真相。)
  • egalitarian(n)平等主義者(a)平等主義的
  • encounter(vt)遭遇(敵人);遇到(困難,危險等);意外地遇見(朋友等);(vi)偶然相遇(或遭遇);(n)遭遇,衝突;偶然(或短暫的)碰見;
  • even if()即使;雖然。當even if(even though)引出的是把握不大或假設的事情時,句子多用假設語氣。if和though有時也單獨使用來代替even if或even though。

