
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - S(s)

  • set:(v)安排。
〉〉 Everything was set according to schedule. (一切都按照時間表準備就緒。)
  • speculate:(v)推測。
〉〉 We don't know what happend, we can only speculate. (我們不知道發生什麼事,我們只能推測。)
  • slug it out:(v.phra)為某事爭論或競爭,直到分出勝負。
〉〉 The eight qualified teams will slug it out for world cup title. (這8支晉級球隊將力爭這屆世界盃冠軍。)
  • swoop on:(慣用語)撲向,襲擊。
  • stitch:(n)一針;(v)縫。
〉〉 A stitch in time saves nine. (諺語,即時一針省九針;及時行事,事半功倍。)
  • steer clear of:(v.phr.)避開、躲開。
    〉〉 Drivers are advised to steer clear of the I-10 highway from a aviod heavy traffic. (駕駛人被告知避開I-10公路,以免塞車。)
    • score:(v)得分、贏得、打分數,或指做記號、批評。
    〉〉 In American foot ball, a touch down scores 6 points. (在美式足球中,一次達陣得6分。)
    • surge:(v)激增。
    • 〉〉 Housing prices have surged in recent month. (房價在最近幾個月快速飆漲)
    • skirt:(v)迴避(困難、尷尬問題)
    〉〉 The president skirted controversial issue in his state of the union address. (總統在國情咨文中避談爭議議題。)
    • shortlist:(n)從一群體中選擇出少數人以供(獎項、工作等)最後選拔用的候選人名單。
    • stuff:(n)指材料、原料、資料、現金、填充物;(v)塞滿、填飽、吃的過多。
    〉〉 I'm so stuffed. (我吃得很撐。)
    • speculation:(n.)推測。
    〉〉 He dismissed their theoried as mere speculation. (他駁斥他們的理論只是推測。)
    • stint:(n)節省、吝嗇、限制、(從事某事的)一段時間。用法如:a two-year stint abroad (在外國待2年)
    • spot:(n)指地點、斑點、污漬;(v)指點綴、玷汙、認出、偵查敵方目標;(a)指立即的、現場報導的。
    〉〉 He failed to spot the error in time. (他未能及時發現該錯誤。)
    • shed light on: (v.phr.)釐清,解釋。
    〉〉 These maintenance records will shed light on the cause of the car accident. (這些保修記錄將釐清這起車禍的原因。)
    • suspicious:(a)指可疑的、懷疑的。
    〉〉 Many suspicious glances were darted at her. (許多懷疑目光投向她。)
    • step down:(phr.)辭職、退休。
      〉〉 Carter asks Kirby to step down as spokesman. (卡特要求柯比卸下發言人的職務。)
      • spike:(n)激增。
      〉〉 If price spikes continue, people will not able to afford the new houses they want. (如果價格繼續飆漲,人們可能買不起他們想要的新房子。)
      • spur:(v)鞭策、鼓勵、激勵。
      〉〉 THe prize spurred them to work harder. (獎金激勵他們更努力工作。)
      • succeed:(v)成功。
      〉〉 The compaign has succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue. (這項活動成功喚起大眾對此議題的關注。)
      • stagger:(v)蹣跚、搖晃。
      〉〉 After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help. (他被攻擊後,步履蹣跚地走到電話旁打電話求救。)
      • strike on/upon: 突然想到、突然發現。
      〉〉 He struck upon a new plan to attack. (他突然想到一個新的進攻方案。)
      • stick to: 黏結、固著。
      〉〉 The taste of the wine was still sticking to his palate. (酒味仍然留在他的嘴裡。)
      • snap up: (phr.v.)搶購。
      〉〉 When they see your work, they'll snap up! (當他們看到你的作品,他們會來搶購!)
      • stride:(n)濶步、進步;(v)指邁大步、跨越。
      〉〉 He strides across the room towards me. (他邁開大步從房間另一頭向我走來。)
      • strike:(v)此處指偶然發現。
      〉〉 I struck a good place for a holiday. (我找到一個度假的理想地方。)
      • stumble(upon, across, on):(v)偶然遇到、碰巧找到。
      〉〉 She stumble upon his true identity. (她偶然發現他的真實身分。)
      • subsequent:(a)隨後的、後來的。
      〉〉 Her work had a great influence on subsequent generations. (她的作品對後來的世代有重大影響力。)
      • spell(doom, trouble...) for something: (phr.)顯示某事注定失敗、遭遇困難。
      〉〉 The new tax policy spells disaster for our economy. (這項新稅制政策預言我國經濟將有災難。)
      • stave off:(phr v)擊退、避開。
      〉〉 Excisering can help you look younger, feel fitter, stave off illness. (運動能幫你看起來年輕、感覺身材緊實、趕跑病魔。)
      • shovel: (v)生產、剷起,也有大量(或胡亂)投入之意。
      〉〉 He shoveled food into his mouth. (他狼吞虎嚥。)
      • slap:(v)(口語)課徵(稅,罰金等)。
      〉〉 The defendant was slapped with $1000 fine. (被告被罰款1000美元。)
      • shut down:(慣用語)關閉。
      • subject to something: (慣用語)可能...
      〉〉 The rules are subject to change without prior notification. (這些規定可能不會事先通知就逕自改變。)
      • swindle:(v)詐取,騙取。
      〉〉 He swindled elderly woman out of their savings. (他詐騙年長女性領取她們的存款。)
      • sold out:(慣用語)賣光、售鑿。
      〉〉 The tickets were sold out so we couldn't go to the ball game. (票已經賣完了,所以我們無法球場看比賽。)
      • snap up something/snap something up: (慣用語)(意義字面)快抓,(a)搶購。
      〉〉 As soon as the world series tickets went on sale, fans snapped them up. (大聯盟世界大賽門票一開賣,球迷就瘋狂搶購。)
      • staunch:忠實可靠的、堅定的、堅固的。
      〉〉 a staunch friend (忠誠的朋友)
      • step in:(v)介入、插手斡旋、解決某事或情況,頂替。
      〉〉 The military stepped in and took over the government. (軍方介入接管政府。)
      • Singles' Day:光棍節,流行於中國年輕人間,以單身為傲而慶祝該日。
      • stick in (something):(慣用語)塞住、卡住。
      • sing off on:(慣用語)簽署文件顯示某人已完成某事或同意某事;正式核准或同意某事。
      〉〉 The CEO personally signs off on every senior promotion. (執行長正式核准每一項高層升遷案。)
      • set ablaze:縱火。
      〉〉 An unidentified group has set ablaze a bus. (一個不明團體縱火焚燒一輛巴士。)
      • smashing:(a)猛烈的;(俚語)棒透的。smash當動詞有打破之意。
      〉〉 The party was smashing! (這場派對超讚!)
      • strip:(v)剝奪、拆解、脫去。
      〉〉 The prisoner was stripped naked. (囚犯被脫得一絲不掛。)
      • stand down:(片語動詞)退讓、退出;法律用語指退出證人席;或指軍隊解除戒備狀態。
      • steal the show:(慣用語)在活動或表演中獲得所有注意力與讚賞;大出風頭。
      〉〉 She stole the show from the lead actors with just one song. (她光憑一首歌就睥睨主角群,搶盡鋒頭。)
      • scornful:(a)嘲笑。
      〉〉 They are openly scornful of the new plans.(他們公然嘲笑新的計畫。)
      • stick to something:(慣用語)跟隨或毫不改變地繼續某事。
      〉〉 You'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are covered with mud. (你最好繼續走主要幹道,因為其他道路都滿是泥濘。)
      • spell:(v)招致。
      〉〉 The new regulation could spell disaster for small businesses. (新規定對小企業來說可能意謂著災難。)
      • submit:(v)指順從、投降、忍受、提交。
      〉〉 She never submits to his threat. (她從不屈服於他的威嚇。)
      • spark:(v)點燃、激起、鼓舞;(n)火花、活力、跡象。
      〉〉 They are plotting to spark rebellion. (他們正密謀發動反叛。)
      • significant:(a)顯著的
      〉〉 There has been a significant increase in the numberof women students in recent years. (近年來,女學生的人數有顯著增加。)
      • spoof:(v)或(n),哄騙、誆騙,嘲弄。
        〉〉 The show was a spoof of the three presidental candidated. (這場戲是在諷刺這3名總統候選人。)
        • shapely:(a)形狀美觀的、豐滿勻稱的,也有具條理之意。
        〉〉 Shapely conception. (清楚的概念。)
        • stumble on: 偶然遇到、碰巧找到。
        〉〉 I stumbled on the interesting book at library yesterday. (昨天我在圖書館碰巧找到這本有趣的書。)
        • sarcastic:(a)諷刺、挖苦。
        〉〉 Are you being sarcastic? (你這是在挖苦嗎?)
        • shy away from (someone/something): (動詞片語)閃避、避開、逃避。
        〉〉 He didn't shy away from making decisions. (他沒有閃避做決策。)
        • shellacking:(n)潰敗、慘敗。
        〉〉 We took a shellacking in election. (我們在這場選舉吞了大敗仗。)
        • stand in:(n)頂替。
        〉〉 Paula stood in for Juna, while Jane was on holiday. (珍度假期間,寶拉幫忙代班。)
        • scour:(v)刷洗,擦亮。
        〉〉 He scoured the pan with steel wool. (他用鋼絲絨刷洗平底鍋。)
        • smuggler:(n)走私犯;(v)為smaggle,指走私。
        〉〉 The antique clock had been smuggled out of the country before the war. (這個骨董鐘在戰前已遭走私出國。)
        • sensation:(n)轟動事件。
        〉〉 The show was an overnight sensation. (這場秀一夕之間造成轟動。)
        • sit-up:(n)仰臥起坐。
        〉〉 How many sit-ups can you do in 1 minute? (你一分鐘可以做幾下仰臥起坐?)
        • spew:(v)噴出、放出。
        〉〉 Smoke and ashes spewed from the volcano. (煙和灰燼從火山口噴發出。)
        • serving:(n)(食物)一份。
        〉〉 The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings. (食譜上寫的份量應該夠4人份。)
        • such as: (片語)諸如、例如。
        〉〉 There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. (像濟慈與雪來的詩人現在很少了。) 
        • streak:(n)一段時間內持續的成功或失敗。
        〉〉 The casinos had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak! (賭場最好小心了,因為我現在顯然處於連贏的態勢!)
        • slim: (a)渺茫的。
        〉〉 The opposition candidate has a slim chance of success in the coming election. (反對黨候選人在即將到來的選舉中獲勝機會渺茫。)
        • stem: (v)遏止、阻擋、制止。
        〉〉 Stem the flow of illegal drugs. (遏止非法毒品的流通。)
        • squander: (v)(n)指浪費、揮霍。
        〉〉Don't squander your time. (別虛度光陰。)
        • sedentary: (a)久坐的。
        〉〉My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary. (我的醫師說,我應該開始做點運動,因為我的生活型態太缺乏運動了。)
        • select:(a)特選的、選定的。
        〉〉These activities should be available to all pupils,not just a select few. (這些活動應該讓所有小學生都參加,而不只是特定少數。)
        • stop someone from doing something: (ph.)阻止某人做某事。
        • so much so that...:(Phrase)達到這樣的程度以至於。
        〉〉Shell is ill, so much so that she cannot walk alone. (她病得很重,以至於連走路都不能了。)
        • snuff(somebody/something) out: (PV)扼殺、剷除某人或某事。
        〉〉The country's hope for democracy have been snuffed out. (這國家對民主希望被扼殺了。)
        • seek(n)尋找[seek+for]
        • seem(vi)看來好像,似乎;似乎存在,好像發生;感到好像,覺得似乎;
        • semaphore(n)(鐵路的)臂板信號;信號;旗語;(vt)用信號(或旗語)發出信息;(vi)發信號;打旗語;[信號]:連續運轉時需互相依賴的兩個平行處理程式所共用的一個存儲格,以顯示重要事件何時發生的方式,為兩程式提供基本的通訊形式。
        • silkscreen(n)以絲幕上模型複製圖案之方法
        • summary(a)概括的,扼要的;即時的;草率的;即決的,簡易的;(n)總結;摘要;一覽

