
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - N(n)

  • notch:(n)等級,程度;(v)得分、獲得(勝利)
〉〉 a notch above others (高人一等)
  • nap:(n)指小睡、絨毛;(v)指打瞌睡、疏忽、使起毛。
〉〉 I want to take a little nap. (我想小睡一下。)
  • nationality:(n)國籍。
〉〉 What nationality are you? (你是哪個國家的人?)
  • noticeable:(a)顯而易見的。
〉〉 There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking. (提姆做某有很大的進步。)
  • nonchalantly:(ad)冷淡地、無動於衷地。(a)nonchalant
〉〉 His nonchalant manner infuriated me. (他無動於衷的態度激怒我。)
  • nocturnal:(a)指夜間的、夜行性的。
〉〉 Stars in the sky are a mavelous nocturnal sight. (滿天星斗是美妙的夜間景觀。)
  • naturally-occurring:  自然存在的。
〉〉 naturally-occurring uranium (天然鈾)
  • negligence:(n)疏忽、粗心。
〉〉 Secret data show there were over 1000 medical negligence claims against the NHS in the past five years. (秘密資料顯示過去5年內對英國國民健保服務有超過1000起的醫療疏失索賠。)
  • not take no for an answer: 堅持不懈、不罷休。
〉〉 I don't think that is going to be possible, but she doesn't take no for an answer. (我認為這不可能,但她仍不放棄。)
  • native:(n)天性。
〉〉 He is by native inclined to be rather lazy. (他天生就懒。)
  • nothing better than:(慣用語)沒有比...更好。nothing betterthan與另一個慣用語better than nothing使用的字彙相同,僅排列不同,但兩者意思完全不同。better than nothing,(慣用語)聊勝於無,總比沒有好。
  • name after: (片語)以~命名。
〉〉 He was named after his father who died in the Vietnam War. (他以在越戰中死去的父親命名。)
  • nothing say...like...:(Phrase)說到...就像...。
〉〉Nothing says love like home made chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of hot sauce. (說到愛情,就像巧克力薄片餅乾和一瓶辣椒醬。)
  • narrow down: 變狹窄;減少;縮小
  • neglect(v)忽視;(n)疏忽

