
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - A(a)

  • affiliate:(a)指納為成員、使緊密聯繫、使隸屬於、加入、有關;(n)指附屬企業、分支機構。
〉〉 This is senior high school is affiliated to that university. (這間高中附屬於那間大學。)
  • amateur:(n)指業餘愛好者、外行、生手;(a)指業餘的、非職業的、外行的。
〉〉 I made an amateur attempt to bake same cookies. (我很外行地試烤了些餅乾。)
  • aim:(v)瞄準、致力、旨在;(n)指目標。
〉〉 Don't aim that pistol at me! (不要拿那把槍對著我!)
  • affect:(v)影響,侵襲。
〉〉 Both building were badly affected by the fire. (兩座大樓都在大火中嚴重毀損。)
  • ambient:(a)周遭的;環境的。
〉〉 Keep the chemicals at an ambient temperature of 70F. (保持這個化學藥品置放在華氏70度的環境裡。)
  • adrenaline:(n)指腎上腺素、激勵因素、一陣興奮或激動。
〉〉 The drop in the price of oil is a shot of adrenaline to the global economy. (油價下跌對全球經濟而言是注入強心針。)
  • as a result: (慣用語)因此,所以。
  • all but something:(慣用語)幾乎;除了…都。
〉〉 She was all but killed when they found her. (她被發現時幾乎就要掛了。)
〉〉 All but Mary passed the test. (除了瑪莉,所有人都通過考試。)
  • account for:(phr.)做出說明、作出解釋。
〉〉 That accounts for it. (原來是這麼一回事。)
  • at/on short notice: (prep. phr.)臨時(告知、通知)、沒太多事前準備時間或警示。
〉〉 My landlord asked me to move out at very short notice. (我房東臨時要我馬上搬家。)
  • awful:(a)非常多的。
〉〉 It was an awful risk to take. (那樣做太冒險了。)
  • aggravate:(v)指加重、激怒、使惡化。
〉〉 His bad attitude aggravated me. (他的壞態度激怒了我。)
  • afflict:(v)折磨,使痛苦。
〉〉 It is an illness which afflicts women more than men. (得這種病的女生多於男性。)
  • assign:(v)派定、指定。
〉〉 The company commander assigned him to stand guard. (連長指派他去站崗。)
  • a lack of something: (慣用語)缺少,此處lack為名詞。
  • all kidding aside:(phr.)正經、嚴肅。
〉〉 All kidding aside, I hate to lose as baseball game. (嚴肅點,我痛恨在棒球比賽中輸球。)
  • at end of the day:(phr.)終究,到頭來,不管如何。
〉〉 At the end of the day, it's you who will live with the choice you make. (不管如何,是你要承擔你自己所做的選擇。)
  • artifact: (n)人工製品、手工藝品。
〉〉 Artifacts from the colonial period. (殖民時期的手工藝品。)
  • at the mercy of someone: (慣用語)形容任由某人控制或擺佈而無力反抗。
〉〉 If you're not legally employed, you're at the mercy of your employer. (你打的若是黑工,就只能任老闆魚肉擺佈了。)
  • a(one) heck of a :極度的、極好的(或長、多等)。
〉〉They had one heck of an argument. (他們唇槍舌劍了一番。)
  • affinity:(n)指傾向、喜好、本性、異性吸引力、親和力、共鳴、密切關係、姻親關係、相似之處。
〉〉 She share an affinity with her boyfriend. (她和她的男友有共同喜好。)
  • alertness:(n)機敏、機警。
〉〉 I'm not feeling very alert today - not enough sleep last night. (今天我感覺特別遲鈍--昨晚沒睡好!)
  • anything but:單單除了...之外;絕對不。
〉〉 I'll do anything but helping him. (我做什麼都可以,但絕對不幫他。)
  • aromatic:(a)芳香的。
〉〉 Aromatic herbs are often used in cooking. (芳草常用於烹調。)
  • abruptly:(ad)突然地、唐突地。
〉〉 I was woken up abruptly this morning. (我今早突然被驚醒。)
  • attend:(v)指出席、參加、照顧、護理、處理、照料、侍候。
〉〉 The nurse is attending to the injured. (那個護士正在照顧傷患。)
  • age-old:(a)由來已久的、古老的。
〉〉 age-old traditions. (古老的傳統)
  • arena:(n)競技場,運動場。
〉〉 a basketball arena (籃球賽場)
  • anthem:(n)國歌、頌歌。
    〉〉 The singer sang the national anthem the ceremony. (歌手在慶典上演唱國歌。)
    • assertiveness:(n)果斷、斷定。(a)assertive
    〉〉 If you really want the promotion, you'll have to be more assertive. (如果你真的想升職,就要更果敢地說出來。)
    • after all: 畢竟、終究、到底。
    〉〉 We chose to take train after all. (我們終究選擇搭火車。)
    • annex:(v)強佔、併吞、獲得、增添。
    〉〉 The president plans to annex the island. (總統計畫併吞該島嶼。)
    • auction:(n)拍賣;亦可作動詞。
    〉〉 The 19th century vase will be auctioned off next week. (這個19世紀的花瓶將在下週拍賣。)
    • adversary:(n)敵人,敵手。
    〉〉 His political adversaries third to prevent him from winning the nomination. (他的政敵試圖阻止他獲得提名。)
    • apt:(a)適合的、傾向的、易於的。
    〉〉 Some studies showed that old drivers are more apt to be involved in car accidents. (有研究顯示,年紀大的駕駛人容易發生車禍。)
    • -athon:源自marathon(馬拉松)-字的字尾,加到其他單字字尾時,通常意指一項非常長時間的活動或事件,如文中的cook-a-thon(烹飪馬拉松),或如a 24-hours dance-athon(24小時的舞蹈馬拉松),其形式也可寫成-a-thon。
    • artifical:人工的、假的。
    〉〉 artifical manners (不自然的舉止)
    • airborne:(a)指空運的、空降的、以封為媒介的、空中傳播的。
    〉〉 She is allergic to airborne pollen.  (她對空氣中的花粉過敏。)
    • accelerate:(v)加速。
    〉〉 They use special chemical to accelerate the growth of crops. (他們使用特殊化學品來加速農作物生長。)
    • accuse of:(vp)指責、控告、指控。
    〉〉 The husband is accused of being disloyal to his wife. (丈夫被指控對太太不忠。)
    • after all:(慣用語)(1)畢竟;(2)不管怎麼樣還是...,最終,通常放句尾。
    〉〉 Its looks like he will quit his job after all. (看來不管怎麼樣,他最後還是會辭職。)
    • at the height of something:(慣用語)形容在...最盛之際。
    〉〉 At the height of the wedding party, there were 500 people present. (在那場婚禮派對最熱鬧時有500人在場。)
    • a great(good) deal: (片語)大量、非常、極其。
    〉〉 She likes to swim a great deal. (她非常喜歡游泳。)
    • ahead of:(介系詞片語)指之前、優於、領先、提前。
    〉〉 He is academiclly way ahead of the other kids in his class. (他在學業上大大領先他班上其他孩子。)
    • at (full) capacity: (片語)以最大(最高)程度。
    〉〉 This factory is running at capacity on bicycles. (這家工廠正全力生產腳踏車。)
    • a wide range of: (形容詞片語)指廣泛多種的。
    〉〉We can supply clothes in a wide range of designs. (我們能提供廣泛各是設計的衣服。)
    • affront:(v)使難堪、侮辱(尤指刻意、公開地)。可當名詞使用。
    〉〉Ethan felt affronted by your behavior. (伊森覺得被你的行為侮辱。)
    • acquisition: (n)獲得、取得。
    〉〉The company's newst acquisition is a small chain of book stores. (公司最新的併購是一家小型連鎖書店。)
    • accurate(a)準確的;精確的
    • alien(n)外星人;外國人
    • assistance(n)援助;幫助
    • at present()目前;現在
    • attend(vt)出席,參加;上(大學等),前往;照料,護理,侍候;伴隨,帶有;陪同,護送;(vi)出席,參加;照料,處理;護理,侍候;注意,傾聽;致力;

