
2011年9月26日 星期一

EFI Shell commands -- DATE(顯示/修改目前系統日期)

Displays or changes the current system date.

DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy]

    mm    - Month of date to set, range: 1 - 12
    dd    - Day   of date to set, range: 1 - 31
    yyyy  - Year  of date to set, range: 1998 - 2099

    1. Short year format:
       yy: 98=1998, 99=1999, 00=2000, 01=2001, ..., 97=2097.
    2. Long year format:
       yyyy: 1998 - 2099, other values are invalid.
    3. EFI may behave unpredictably if illegal date values are used.

  * To display the current system date:
    fs0:\> date

  * To set the system date using the long year format:
    fs0:\> date 01/01/2050
    fs0:\> date

  * To set the system date using the short year format:
    fs0:\> date 06/18/01
    fs0:\> date

EFI Shell commands -- EDIT(全視窗編輯器)

Full screen editor for ASCII or UNICODE files.

EDIT [file]

    file     - Name of file to be edited

    1. If the file is not specified, NewFile.txt is edited.
    2. The size of file shall not be larger than 16 Mbytes.

 * To edit the 'shell.log' file:
   fs0:\> edit shell.log

"Ctrl-E" go to help, and "Ctrl-W" exit help

Control Key   Function Key   Command
-----------   ------------   -----------------
Ctrl-G        F1             Go To Line
Ctrl-S        F2             Save File
Ctrl-Q        F3             Exit
Ctrl-F        F4             Search
Ctrl-R        F5             Search/Replace
Ctrl-K        F6             Cut Line
Ctrl-U        F7             Paste Line
Ctrl-O        F8             Open File
Ctrl-T        F9             File Type
-----------   ------------   -----------------

EFI Shell commands -- MOUNT(掛載一個檔案系統在一個區塊裝置上)

Mounts a file system on a block device.

MOUNT BlkDevice [sname]

    BlkDevice    - The name of the block device to mount
    sname        - The name of the newly mounted file system

    1. Mount uses the diskio protocol to read the FATxx format on a device.
       The name of the mounted file system is stored in NVRAM for a given
       Shell environment.
    2. The mounted names will be lost the next time "map -r" is called.
    3. If the sname option is not specified, the block device is mounted.
       There will be an EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL on the handle, but a drive
       name is not generated in the EFI Shell.

  * To mount device blk0 and name the file system fs0:\
    Shell> map
    Device mapping table
      blk0 : VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-

    Shell> mount blk0 fs0

  * To mount a block device without a name:
    Shell> mount blk1

EFI Shell commands -- OPENINFO(顯示一個操作程序的協定與代理程式的關係)

Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handle.

OPENINFO Handle [-b]

    -b       - Display one screen at a time
    Handle   - Display open protocol information for specified handle

  * To show open protocols on handle 0x23:
    It shows that the PCI Root Bridge is being managed by the PCI
    Bus Driver, and the PCI Bus contains 7 PCI child controllers.
    Shell> openinfo 23
    Handle 23 (07DEE108)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[23] Cnt(01) Driver   Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[28] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[29] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[2A] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[2B] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[2C] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[2D] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[2E] Cnt(01) Child    Image(PciBus)
      Drv[00] Ctrl[  ] Cnt(01) HandProt
      Drv[1D] Ctrl[23] Cnt(01) Driver   Image(PciBus)
      Drv[00] Ctrl[  ] Cnt(0D) HandProt

EFI Shell commands -- SERMODE (設定串列阜的屬性)

Sets serial port attributes.

SERMODE [handle [baudrate parity databits stop bits]]

    handle   - Device handle for a serial port
    baudrate - Baud rate for specified serial port
    parity   - Parity bit settings for specified serial port:
                 d   - Default parity
                 n   - No parity
                 e   - Even parity
                 o   - Odd parity
                 m   - Mark parity
                 s   - Space parity
    databits - Data bits for specified serial port
    stopbits - Stop bits for specified serial port

    1. The 'handle' parameter is the device handle of the desired serial port.
       The 'DH' command can be used to retrieve this information.
    2. The 'stopbits' parameter supports the following settings:
         0  (0 stop bits - default setting)
         1  (1 stop bit)
         2  (2 stop bits)
         15 (1.5 stop bits)
       All other settings are invalid.
    3. The 'baudrate' parameter supports the following settings:
        50, 75, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800,
        7200, 9600(default), 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800
       All other values will be converted to the next highest setting.
    4. The 'databits' parameter supports the following settings:
         8 (default)
       All other settings are invalid.
    5. Parity attributes are mutually exclusive.

  * To display the settings for all serial port devices:
    Shell> sermode
    4F06B08 - (115200, N, 8, 1)
    4F05F88 - (115200, N, 8, 1)

  * To display the settings for the serial port device whose handle is 0x6B:
    Shell> sermode 6B
    4F06B08 - (115200, N, 8, 1)

  * To configure the serial port settings for handle 0x6B to 9600bps, even
    parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit:
    Shell> sermode 6B 9600 e 8 1 
    sermode: Mode set on handle 04F06B08

EFI Shell commands -- SMBIOSVIEW (顯示SMBIOS的資訊)

Displays SMBIOS information.

SMBIOSVIEW [-t SmbiosType]|[-h SmbiosHandle]|[-s]|[-a]

    -t            - Display all structures of SmbiosType
    SmbiosType    - SMBIOS structure type
    -h            - Display structure of SmbiosHandle
    SmbiosHandle  - SMBIOS structure unique 16-bit handle
    -s            - Display statistics table
    -a            - Display all information

    1. The SmbiosType parameter supports the following types:
        0  - BIOS Information
        1  - System Information
        3  - System Enclosure
        4  - Processor Information
        5  - Memory Controller Information
        6  - Memory Module Information
        7  - Cache Information
        8  - Port Connector Information
        9  - System Slots
        10 - On Board Devices Information
        15 - System Event Log
        16 - Physical Memory Array
        17 - Memory Device
        18 - 32-bit Memory Error Information
        19 - Memory Array Mapped Address
        20 - Memory Device Mapped Address
        21 - Built-in Pointing Device
        22 - Portable Battery
        34 - Management Device
        37 - Memory Channel
        38 - IPMI Device Information
        39 - System Power Supply
    2. The SmbiosHandle parameter is specified in hexadecimal format.
       Don't use the '0x' prefix format for hexadecimal values.
    3. Internal commands:
        :q --------  quit smbiosview
        :0 --------  Change smbiosview display NONE info
        :1 --------  Change smbiosview display OUTLINE info
        :2 --------  Change smbiosview display NORMAL info
        :3 --------  Change smbiosview display DETAIL info
        /? --------  Show help

EFI Shell commands -- STALL (以微秒為單位的延遲)

Stalls the processor for the specified number of microseconds.

STALL microseconds

    microseconds - Microseconds to stall

    1. STALL in emulation NT environment will sleep for 'microseconds'.
    2. STALL in some other platforms will wait for 'microseconds'.
    3. Microseconds is in decimal units.

    Shell> stall 1000000
    Stall for 1000000 uS

EFI Shell commands -- TIME(顯示或修改目前系統時間)

Displays or changes the current system time.

TIME [hh:mm[:ss]]

    hh    - Hour   of time to set, range: 0 - 23
    mm    - Minute of time to set, range: 0 - 59
    ss    - Second of time to set, range: 0 - 59

    1. Hour and minute are required to set the time.
    2. If second is not specified, 0 will be used as default.

  * To display the current system time:
    fs0:\> time
    16:51:03 (GMT+08:00)

  * To set the system time:
    fs0:\> time 9:51:30
    fs0:\> time
    09:51:31 (GMT+08:00)

EFI Shell commands -- VER (顯示版本資訊)

Displays EFI Firmware version information.

VER [-s]

     -s      - Display EFI Shell version information only

  * To display EFI Firmware version information:
    fs0:\> ver
    EFI Specification Revision : 1.10
    EFI Vendor                 : INTEL
    EFI Revision               : 14.5

  * To display EFI Shell version information only:
    Shell> ver -s
    EFI Shell Version 1.0
    EFI Shell Machine Type: IA32
    EFI Shell Signature: D2C18636-40E5-4EB5-A31B-3695FD42C87

2011年9月25日 星期日

EFI Shell commands -- RESET(系統重置)

Resets the system.

RESET [-w [string]]
RESET [-s [string]]

    -w       - Performs a warm reset
    -s       - Performs a shutdown
    string   - String to be passed to reset service

   1. Not all systems support the '-w' option.
   2. Reset will be guaranteed to reset the chipset as well as the processor
      when cold reset is called.
   3. This command does not support output redirection.

EFI Shell commands -- HELP(顯示指令說明)

Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose help for specific commands.

HELP [cmd | pattern]

    cmd      - Shell command name
    pattern  - Wildmatch pattern

    1. 'cmd -?' also displays the verbose help of cmd, the same as 'help cmd'.
    2. If the specified command has no verbose help, its line help will be
       displayed instead.

* To display the EFI Shell command list and break after one screen:
  Shell> help -b
  ?          - Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose command help
  alias         - Displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the EFI Shell
  attrib     - Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories
  cd         - Displays or changes the current directory
  cls           - Clears the standard output with an optional background color
  connect    - Connects one or more EFI drivers to a device
  copy       - Copies one or more files or directories to another location

* To display help information for the ls shell command:
  Shell> help ls
  Shell> ? ls
  Shell> ls -?

* To display the list of commands starting with the character 'p'
  Shell> help p*
  pause      - Prints a message and waits for keyboard input
  pci        - Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration space

EFI Shell commands -- MODE(顯示或改變控制台輸出裝置模式)(改變文字模式的欄位)

Displays or changes the console output device mode.

MODE [row col]

    row      - Number of rows
    col      - Number of columns

    1. The mode with a star at line end is the current mode setting.
    2. Only 80x25 mode is supported if console redirection is enabled.
    3. Most EFI command output was designed for 80x50 mode (50 rows).

  * To display all available modes on standard output:
    Shell> mode
    Available modes on standard output
      col  80 row  25  *
      col  80 row  50
      col  80 row  43
      col 100 row 100

  * To change the current mode setting:
    Shell> mode 80 50
    Available modes on standard output
      col  80 row  25
      col  80 row  50  *
      col  80 row  43
      col 100 row 100

2011年9月22日 星期四

How to use "Diskpart" in Windows Installation CD?

  1. Press Shift + F10
  2. Type \> diskpart                                      /*0 being the disk to setup*/
  3. Type \> clean                                           /*Wipe the Disk*/
  4. Type \> convert gpt                                 /*Convert disk to GPT*/
  5. Type \> create partition efi size=200    /*EFI system partition size is 200M*/
  6. Type \> assign letter=s                           /*Any allowable letter*/
  7. Type \> format quick fs=FAT32             /*Format the ESP*/
  8. Type \> create partition msr size=128  /*Create the MSR partition and its size is 128M*/
  9. Type \> create partition primary             /*Create Windows OS partition*/
10. Type \> assign letter=c
11. Type \> format quick fs=NTFS               /*Format primary(Windows OS) partition*/
12. Type \> exit                                               /*Leave this utility*/

2011年9月19日 星期一




你的小孩是水晶小孩嗎?(Is Your Child a Crystalline Child?)

你的小孩是星星的小孩嗎?(Is Your Child a Child of the Stars?)