MOUNT BlkDevice [sname]
BlkDevice - The name of the block device to mount
sname - The name of the newly mounted file system
1. Mount uses the diskio protocol to read the FATxx format on a device.
The name of the mounted file system is stored in NVRAM for a given
Shell environment.
2. The mounted names will be lost the next time "map -r" is called.
3. If the sname option is not specified, the block device is mounted.
There will be an EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL on the handle, but a drive
name is not generated in the EFI Shell.
* To mount device blk0 and name the file system fs0:\
Shell> map
Device mapping table
blk0 : VenHw(58C518B1-76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881)/VenHw(0C95A92F-A006-
Shell> mount blk0 fs0
* To mount a block device without a name:
Shell> mount blk1