OPENINFO Handle [-b]
-b - Display one screen at a time
Handle - Display open protocol information for specified handle
* To show open protocols on handle 0x23:
It shows that the PCI Root Bridge is being managed by the PCI
Bus Driver, and the PCI Bus contains 7 PCI child controllers.
Shell> openinfo 23
Handle 23 (07DEE108)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[23] Cnt(01) Driver Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[28] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[29] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[2A] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[2B] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[2C] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[2D] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[1D] Ctrl[2E] Cnt(01) Child Image(PciBus)
Drv[00] Ctrl[ ] Cnt(01) HandProt
Drv[1D] Ctrl[23] Cnt(01) Driver Image(PciBus)
Drv[00] Ctrl[ ] Cnt(0D) HandProt