Vocabulary - D(d)
- pronounced:(a)顯著的、明顯的、決斷的。
〉〉 The taste of raw garlic is very pronounced. (生大蒜的味道非常明顯。)
- distinguish from: (慣用語)區分。
〉〉 It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. (雙胞胎很難區分。)
- dispel: (v)驅散,消除。
- drive-by:(a)駕車的、開車時同時進行。
〉〉 One man was killed in the drive-by shooting. (一名男子在該起駕車槍殺事件中遇害。)
〉〉 The book will be distributed free to local schools. (這些書將免費發給當地學校。)
- die of something: (慣用語)死於...(多為傷勢或疾病)。
〉〉 His father died of cancer. (他父親死於癌症)
〉〉 Working night shifts can be detrimental to your health. (上夜班可能有害健康。)
〉〉 We've seen a deterioration in relations between the countries. (我們發現兩國關係趨於惡化。)
- dominant: (a)占優勢的,支配的,統治的。
- dramatic: (a)劇烈的
〉〉 We usually prefer gradual and mild change to sudden and dramatic change. (我們通常比較希望逐步且溫和的改變,而非突然且急劇的改變。)
〉〉 Mudslides caused by deforestation. (山崩是因砍伐森林所致。)
〉〉 War results in death and widespread destruction. (戰爭導致死亡和廣泛的破壞。)
- dreaded:(a)令人畏懼的、可怕的,(v)為dread,懼怕、擔心。
〉〉 I dread the day I will have to leave my family. (我害怕離開家人的那一天。)
- draw on something:(phr.)利用某事或從某事汲取資源。
〉〉 Peter's new book draws on this own life experience. (彼得的新書取材自他自己的人生經歷。)
- draw up:(phr v)指折疊、草擬、使停下、排好隊伍、挺直身子。
〉〉 A car drew up in front of my house. (一輛車在我家前面停了下來。)
- die of/die from:(phr v)指死於;前者指死因存於人體內(例如:疾病、衰老等),後者則指外部環境造成死亡(例如事故),兩種肇因兼具時則可混用(例如受傷、過勞、飢寒等)。
〉〉 18 people die of from starvation every minute. (每分鐘有18人死於飢餓。)
〉〉 House prices dipped in the first three months of the year. (今年前三個房價下跌。)
〉〉 My detection of the scent of baked apple pie led me to the kitchen. (我對烤蘋果派味道的察覺,引領我走到廚房。)
〉〉 His father is a drunkard. (他爸爸是酒鬼。)
〉〉 The painter tried to depict the splendor of the sunset. (畫家試圖描繪日落的壯麗景象。)
- distress:(n)危難、悲苦、貧苦;(v)指使憂傷、苦惱、貧苦。
〉〉 Don't let bad news distress you. (不要讓壞消息打擊你。)
- due to (something):(慣用語)因為,由於。
〉〉 Her absence was due to the storm. (由於風雨交加她沒來。)
- deterrent:(n)威懾力量,嚇阻物;(a)同指威懾的、制止的。
〉〉 Imprisonment was not sufficiently deterrent to the habitual offenders. (坐牢並不足以威嚇慣犯。)
〉〉 Remember to don clothing when you feel cold. (當你覺得冷時,記得穿衣。)
〉〉 She has a slight hearing deficit in her left ear. (她的左耳有輕微的聽障問題。)
- drag:(v)指拖、拉、緩慢進行、迫使、扯人、打撈;(n)指拖、拉、累贅、阻力。
〉〉 She loves her boyfriend very much, but he is a drag on her career. (她很愛她的男友,但他卻是她事業上的累贅。)
〉〉 He failed to deliver on his promise. (他未能兌現他的承諾。)
- deface:(v)損壞某物外觀(尤指刻字或破壞表面。)
〉〉 Some of these valuable monuments were defaced with red spray-paint. (這些寶貴的古蹟有些外觀被潑了紅漆破壞。)
- draw the ire of sb:燃起某人怒火。
〉〉 The mayer's graft scandal has draw the ire of local residents. (市長的貪汙醜聞燃起當地居民的怒火。)
- duck:(v)逃避、迴避、閃躲(責任、人或做某事)。
〉〉 The president was accused of ducking the issue of reform. (總統被指控回避改革議題。)
〉〉 Such cruelty is a disgrace to humanity. (這種殘忍事人性之恥。)
〉〉 Homeless children sniff glue to dull their hunger pains. (無家可歸的小孩藉吸膠來減輕肌餓的痛苦。)
- drop the ball:(俚語)(v),失職、搞砸。
〉〉 Don't drop the ball on this project. (別搞砸了這個案子。)
〉〉 Adam derided our efforts, but were forced to eat his words when we won thr prize. (亞當嘲笑我們的努力,但當我們得獎時,他不得不認錯。)
〉〉 Do you have any special dietary requirements? (你有特殊的飲時要求嗎?)
〉〉 May I dub for the puppy in my voice? (我可以用我的聲音幫小狗配音嗎?)
- devastate:(v)指毀壞、蹂躪、事荒廢,或指在感情、精神、財務上壓垮。
〉〉 The tsunami devastated coastal villages. (海嘯摧毀了沿岸村落。)
- draw:(v)指繪製、草擬、拉引、慢慢移動、推論出、打成和局等;(n)指平手、吸引人的人事物、拉曳、抽籤等。
〉〉 He tried to draw attention to himself on his own terns. (他嘗試用他特有的方式引起別人對他的注意。)
〉〉 They dethrone the licentious monarch. (他們罷黜荒淫無道的統治者。)
- drop-in:(n)指短暫且偶然的來訪、不速之客等;(a)指可隨時造訪的、無須預約的、供短期使用的。
〉〉 Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College after after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before he really quit. (史蒂夫‧賈伯斯在前6個月後即自里德學院休學,但到他真正離開前,當時又以旁聽生身分在那裡待了18個月左右。)
〉〉The govenment faces a deficit of $5 billion. (政府面臨50億美元的赤字。)
〉〉His only hope of survival was dashed by the severe weather. (他唯一的生存希望因惡劣天氣而破滅。)
〉〉She dreaded making speeches in front of large audiences. (她害怕在廣大聽眾前發表演說。)
- drive a wedge between somebody: (vp)挑起兩造之間的不和。
〉〉I think she is driving a wedge between you and your husband. (我認為她在挑撥你和你丈夫之間的關係。)
〉〉Please return the book by the due date. (請在到期日期還書。)
- doctor's appointment: 指掛號
〉〉I made a doctor's appointment for next Friday. (我掛了下週五看醫生。)
- demand(n)要求,請求;需要,需求;(vt)要求,請求;需要;查問,盤詰;律】傳喚;
- decompose(v)分解;使腐爛