
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - C(c)

  • catch a glimpse of: (phr.)一睹、一窺。
  • current:(a)現時的,當前的;現行的。
  • circle:(n)圈子,集團。
〉〉 She's not one of my close circle of friends. (她不算我閨密。)
  • confess to:(phr.v.)指承認做過。
〉〉 He confess to the police. (他向警方坦承犯行。)
  • come up with:(v.phr.)提出、找出(想法、計畫等)、趕上。
〉〉 Our government has not yet come up with effective strategies to fight the drought. (我們政府還沒提出有效策略對抗這波乾旱。)
  • come to the rescue:(慣用語)拯救。
〉〉 Member of a boy Scout troop out for a Christmas paddle on the congaree River near Coumbia, South Carolina came to rescue when the pilot of a single-engine plane was forced to make an emergency water landing. (一支前往南卡羅來納洲首府哥倫比亞附近的康加里河進行耶誕泛舟活動的童軍團成員,拯救一名緊急迫降水面的單引擎小飛機駕駛。)
  • come to:(v)甦醒,恢復意識。
  • cut from the same cloth:(v.phr.)(性質、形成方式等)非常相似或一樣。
〉〉 Politicians are cut from the same cloth. (政治人物都一樣。)
  • croon:(v)低聲地或充滿柔情地清唱,低吟。
〉〉 The father crooned to the baby to help her sleep. (這名父親輕聲唱歌給寶寶聽幫她入眠。)
  • confuse with: 搞混,誤認。
〉〉 I think you might have confused me with my younger sister. (我想你可能把我跟我妹搞混了。)
  • conglomerate:(n) 企業集團、聚集物;亦可作形容詞,指聚成一團的、企業集團指使聚集。
〉〉 People conglomerated in the downtown streets for unexpected victory celebration. (民眾為了歡慶意想不到的勝利聚集在街道上。)
  • cold: (ad)完全沒有事先準備或介紹。
〉〉 I took the exam cold and passed. (我沒準備就去考試還過了。)
  • cost-conscious:(a)節約成本、有成本意識的。
〉〉 Company is trying to establish a cost-conscious culture. (公司正嘗試建立節約成本的文化。)
  • carry out:(phr.)執行、實行、完成。
〉〉 We all have certain jobs to carry out. (我們大家都有一些工作要完成。)
  • conscious:(a)意識到的、察覺到的,故意的。
〉〉 Is the patient conscious yet?
  • corrode: (v)侵蝕、損害。
〉〉 Raidwater will corrode the steel containers. (雨水會鏽蝕鋼鐵製容器。)
  • capsule: (n)小容器、膠囊。
〉〉 I took antibiotic capsule three times a day. (我一天服用三次抗生素膠囊。)
  • crash:(v)崩盤、失敗;口語或非正式用法中另有「(未經要求或允許)擅自進入」、「在某處臨時過夜」、「在某處臨時過夜」、「(因極度疲累)迅速入睡」之意。
〉〉 crash a party (混入派對)
〉〉 crash the gate (沒買票溜進場看電影、演唱會或球賽)。
  • cripple:(v)使傷殘、削弱。
〉〉 Our country has been cripple by the civil war. (我們國家已因這場內戰嚴重受創。)
  • convict:(n)指犯罪;(v)指宣判有罪、證明有罪。
〉〉 There was insufficient evidence to convict her. (沒有足夠證據可將她定罪。)
  • chasten:(v)懲戒、磨練。
〉〉He was chastened by the defeat and determined to work harder. (失敗磨練他,他決心更加努力地工作。)
  • come to grips with:(phr)開始處理某件困難之事或人。
〉〉 I cannot come to grips with Alex and his problems. (我沒辦法處理艾力克斯和他的問題。)
  • counterfeit:(v)(a)偽造,仿冒;
〉〉 They were counterfeiting money in the garage. (他們在車庫裡製造假鈔。)
  • curb:(n)只限制、勒馬繩、人行道鑲邊石;(v)指制止、束縛、扣上馬銜、加路緣、設井欄。
〉〉 You need to learn to curb your temper. (你必須學著控制你的脾氣。)
  • count:(n)計數、總數;法律用語指罪名事項。(v)作計算、認為。
〉〉 Count the cups on the table. (數一下桌上的杯子。)
  • copyright: (v)取得版權;(n)指版權。
〉〉 Adam has copyrighted all of his novel. (亞當取得他所有小說的版權。)
  • cut-throat:(a)殘酷的、激烈的;(n)指刺客。
〉〉 Cut-throat world of entertainment. (娛樂圈激烈競爭的世界。)
  • ceiling:(n)限制。
〉〉 They have set a ceiling on pay rise. (他們訂定調薪上限。)
  • come up with: 提出、想出。
〉〉 He could always come up with a reason to linger another month. (他總是能想出再拖延一個月的理由。)
  • cry wolf:(動詞片語)源自伊索寓言的<牧童與野狼>故事,意指發出[狼來了]此一類的假警告。
〉〉 He had cried wolf too often, so that no one came this time. (他太常喊狼來了,導致這次沒人過來。)
    但本文標題所使用的cry wolf是指真正有狼來了,營造閱讀的趣味。
    • conservation:(n)保存、保護。
    〉〉 the conservation of the environment (環境保護)
    • catch some rays或catch a few rays:(慣用語)非正式用法,形容坐或躺在戶外的陽光;曬陽光;日光浴。
    〉〉 I went to Okunawa to catch some rays. (我去沖繩享受日光浴。)
    • contract:(v)感染疾病。
      〉〉 I contracted a cold. (我感冒了。)
      • catch somebody red-handed:(動詞片語)當場目睹或逮到某人正在做壞事。 
        〉〉 Joe was caught red-handed stealing a car. (喬伊在偷車時被逮個正著。)
        • claim:(v)要求、索取、主張、奪得。
          〉〉 No hairs showed up to claim the inheritance. (沒有繼承人現身主張遺產。)
          • cater to someone or something:(慣用語)提供或照顧某人或某事;迎合。
          〉〉 There are more and more TV shows catering to young adults. (有越來越專門迎合年輕成年人的電視節目。)
          • collaboration:(n)合作、共同研究。
          〉〉 He worked in close collaboration with French scientists. (他與法國科學家密切合作。)
          • cease:(v)停止、中止。
          〉〉 The president ordered to cease fire. (總統下令停火。)
          • catch up in:捲入、陷入。
            〉〉 He was caught up in the bribery scandal. (他被捲入這起賄選醜聞。)
            • check up on: 檢查、查核、核實
            〉〉 If you are not sure, you ought to check up on the facts. (你若沒把握,就該去核對事實。)
            • cook:(俚語)(v)在本文中意思為「毀壞」。另有「竄改、偽造」之意。
            〉〉 Cook the books. (作假帳。)
            • call out:(v)在本文中為「挑戰某人(說法、行為等)」之意(俚語)。
            〉〉 She called him out on his contradictory statement. (她質問他前後矛盾的言論。)
            • comply with: (片語)遵守、同意、服從。
            〉〉 You have to comply with conditions under the agreement. (你必須遵守協議下的條件。)
            • consume:(v)吃喝。
            〉〉 He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal. (他每餐都要吃大量薯條。)
            • come up with: (片語)想出解決問題方法。
            〉〉 We finally came up with a solution. (我們最後終於想出一個解決的方法。)
            • circumvent: (v)規避、避開。
            〉〉 I am trying to circumvent these limitations. (我正想辦法避開這些限制。)
            • compound: (v)增加、加重。
            〉〉Don't compound your mistake by lying to the police. (別向警察說謊,而使自己錯上加錯。)
            • catch a glimpse(of): (vp)瞥見、看一看。
            〉〉He sometimes went there to catch a glimpse of the mountain in the distance. (他有時去那兒看一看遠處的山。)
            • cold call: (n)無預期地打電話或拜訪陌生人、潛在客戶(通常為了行銷),推銷電話。
            〉〉I have to make some colds calls to get business. (我得打這些電話開發客戶以爭取生意。)
            • conduct(vt)引導,帶領;實施,處理,經營,管理;為人,表現;指揮(軍隊,樂隊等);【物】傳導(熱,電等);(vi)引導,帶領;指揮樂隊;
            • conflict(vi) 矛盾,衝突;鬥爭,戰鬥;傾軋;(n)衝突,抵觸,不一致,分歧;鬥爭,爭執,戰鬥
            • composer(n)作曲家;作家;調解者
            • comply:(v)遵守
            〉〉There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.(未能遵守規範將受到嚴厲懲罰。)

