
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - T(t)

  • tarnish:(v)晦暗,敗壞(聲譽)。
〉〉 His reputation has been tarnished by racist remarks. (這番種族歧視言論損及他的名聲。)
  • take matters into one's own hands:(慣用語)(該解決問題不處理,因此)自己處理問題。
〉〉 We felt strongly that the trade pact could hurt our workers. We decided to take the matter into our own hands. (我們強烈認為該貿易協定可能傷害我們的勞工。我們決定自力救濟。)
  • thanks to:(phr.)幸虧,因為。
〉〉 The baby is awake thanks to your shouting. (都怪你大叫,把寶寶吵醒了。)
  • to one's surprise:令人驚訝的是。
〉〉 To my surprise, he failed to turn up. (令我驚訝的是,他沒有露面。)
  • TPO(third-party ownership):指足球球隊與第三方(企業法人與自然人)之間的協議,以換取某足球選手未來轉隊產生之經濟權益的所有權持分。
  • track:(v)追蹤...的進展。
〉〉 The study tracked the careers of 1226 doctors who trained at the University of Michigan Medical school. (該研究針對曾在密西根大學醫學院受訓的1226名醫生。)
  • turn up: 出現、來到。
〉〉 My parents turned up unexpectedly. (我的父母出奇不意地現身。)
  • turn up: (phr. v.)指音量調升、出現、找到。
〉〉 He didn't turn up at ten. (他十點時沒有出現。)
  • top-notch:(a)第一流的。
〉〉 That restaurant's really top-notch. (那家餐廳甄棒。)
  • take revenge: 報復、復仇。
〉〉 Man may destroy the balance of nature, but from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge. (畫家試圖描繪日落的壯麗景象。)
  • thumbs-up:(n)豎起大拇指,表示贊成或滿意。
〉〉 The new policy gets the thumbs-up from everyone. (這項新政策獲得每個人的支持。)
  • take matters in your own hands:(慣用語)(由於負責人無法解決,所以)自己跳下來解決問題;自力救濟。
〉〉 The police haven't done anything about the shoplifting, so local shop owners have taken matters into their own hands. (警方對商店順手牽羊問題毫無作為,當地商店老闆只好自立救濟。)
  • take up:(片語動詞)意思眾多,對於某事物產生興趣或醉心於某事物。
  • throw out:(片語動詞)逐字、不予考慮。
〉〉 Amy was thrown out form the bar. (艾咪被趕出了酒吧。)
  • tax break:指減稅。
〉〉 Tax break were created to help low-incoming family. (減稅的設計用來幫助低收入家庭。)
  • thwart:(n)指橫樑;(v)指反對、阻礙、橫跨;(a)止橫放的、固執的;(ad)指橫向地。
〉〉 He tried to thwart my plan. (他設法破壞我的計畫。)
  • tear into someone:(v)強批評某人。
〉〉 My boss tore into me just because he didn't agree with me. (我的主管只因和我意見不同就痛批我。)
  • thoroughfare:(n)大街,幹道。
    〉〉 Don't park your car on the busy thoroughfare. (不要將車停在繁忙的大街上。)
    • trespassing:(v)擅自進入。
    〉〉 The sign said "No Trespassing". (警告牌上說:「不得擅自進入」。)
    • take advantage of someone or something:(慣用語)利用某人或某事;佔某人或某事的便宜、多加利用。
      〉〉 Please take advantage of the consultant while he is here in the office. (請在顧問還在辦公室時多加利用尋求諮詢。)
      • turn down:(片語)拒絕。
      〉〉 He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. (他拒絕這份工作,因為出差太頻繁。)
      • tremendous:(n)巨大的,極好的。
      〉〉 This performance was tremendous!(這場表演棒極了!)
      • tranquilizer:(n)鎮定劑。
      〉〉 Tranquilizer darts. (麻醉吹箭、麻醉鏢。)
      • think through something/think something through: (慣用語)深思熟慮,特別是在做出重要決定前。
      〉〉 Let me think this through and call you tomorrow morning. (讓我好好想想,明早回電話給你。)
      • tend(to): 注意、關心。
      〉〉 You'd better tend to you own affairs. (你還是管好自己的事吧。)
      • take to:(vp)指喜歡、習慣於、開始從事。
      〉〉 Did the children take to her? (孩子們喜歡上她嗎?)
      〉〉 I have taken to having a shower every morning. (我已習慣在每個早晨沖澡。)
        • take/get/draw inspiration from:(vp)指靈感或啟示或自。
        〉〉 He took inspiration from the immense occen. (他從廣闊無邊的大海獲得啟示。)
        • take effect:(慣用語)生效。
        〉〉 The new laws took effect last year. (新法去年生效。)
        • the height of:(phr.)...的高峰。
        〉〉 August is the height of the tourist season. (8月是旅遊旺季。)
        • turn to: (片語)求助於、求教於、查閱。
        〉〉 One can always turn to music for comfort. (一個人總可以從音樂得到安慰。)
        • take up: (ph)在此指吸收、溶解
        〉〉Sponges takes up water. (海綿吸水。)
        • trade barbs: (vp)以侮辱或攻擊性的話語互相批評。
        〉〉Chendler and Ross trade barbs over who should be responsible for the failed project. (錢德勒與羅斯為了誰該為這項失敗的專案負責互相攻擊。)
        • take something in (one's) stride: (idiom)形容面對逆境時抱持平常心,冷靜以對。
        〉〉 There's a lot of presure at work but he seems to take it all in her stride. (儘管工作上有許多壓力,但他看似以平常心面對。)
        • touch:(v)在此指觸發動、感動。
        〉〉Her said story touched him. (她悲傷的故事處動他。)
        • tap: (v)認命、選擇。 tap somebody as ~ (任命某人為...)。又指接通,也可指竊聽。
        〉〉NSB tapped our home phones. (國安局竊聽我們家的電話。)
        • take effect產生預期的或要求的結果;生效;實施;實行;起作用
        • thwarted(a)橫放的;倔強的
        • till(prep)直到...為止;(用於否定句)在...以前,直到...(才);(conj)直到...為止;(用於否定句)在...以前,直到...(才) = until。until比較正式。

