
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - G(g)

  • go down:(v.phra)為...所接受,被打敗。
〉〉 Our new products didn't go down well with consumers. (消費者對我們的新產品反應不佳。)
  • give it some thought:(慣用語)考慮、花時間思考某事。
〉〉 After I have had time to give some thought to the matter, I will call you. (在我對此事詳加思考一陣子後,會打電話給你。)
  • get round/around + 物:(v.phr.)避開問題或法規。get round + 人: 遊說他人以達成目的。get round to + 人或物: 設法處理某事。
〉〉 We have found ways to get round the tax rules. (我們找出規避這些稅務規定的方式。)
  • go off:(phr.)爆炸、發生巨響。
〉〉 The alarm would go off at 7 o'clock. (鬧鐘7點江鈴聲大作。)
  • get used to:(phr. v.)指習慣於。
〉〉 She never gets used to them. (她一直看不慣他們。)
  • go viral:(phr.)指某人或物透過社群網站或影音短片在網路廣為流傳造成轟動。
〉〉 Footage of the candidate's off-color remarks went viral within minutes. (這位候選人低俗的評論影片,幾分鐘之內就在網路上瘋狂流傳開來。)
  • give a leg up: (phr.)幫助某人,讓他更成功。
〉〉 These skills will give you a leg up in the job market. (這些技能會幫助你在就業市場裡成功找到工作。)
  • give sb/sth the cold shoulder:(phr.)故意冷落、怠慢(人), 對某事表現出毫無興趣。
〉〉 Why are you giving me the cold shoulder? (你為什麼對我這麼冷淡?)
  • grip:(n)緊抓、抓牢、控制、掌握。
〉〉 You'd better get a grip on yourself. (你最好控制自己的情緒。)
  • grant:(v)指承認、同意、准許、授與;(n)指撥款、輔助金、授予物。
〉〉 'I grant you' means I accept something is true, even though my opnion about it does not change. (「我承認你」意指我接受某事屬實,雖然我對它的觀點並未改變。)
  • gear:(n)設備、裝置。
〉〉 I managed to pack all my gears into my suitcase. (我試著把所有裝備塞進行李箱裡。)
  • go viral:(慣用語)像病毒般蔓延、大流行、瘋傳。
  • get in on something:(慣用語)參加;設法參加他人正在做有趣或有利可圖之事;共襄盛舉。
〉〉 She is trying to get in on the new club. (他設法加入那個新俱樂部。)
  • get busted:被抓到、被逮到。
〉〉 He often cheats on the test. He will get busted sooner or later. (他考試時常作弊,遲早會被逮到。)
  • gullible:(a)容易受騙的。
〉〉 Fraud ring usually cook up a story to deceive unwary, gullible people like you. (詐騙集團通常都編出伊套說詞,欺騙像你們這種沒警覺心又好騙的人。)
  • gnaw:(v)咬斷、啃、或指侵蝕、折磨。
〉〉 Amy gnawed on her fingernail when she felt nervous. (艾美感到緊張時會咬指甲。)
  • get/lay your hands on something:(慣用語)取得某物。
〉〉 I can never lay my hands on a pair of scissor in this office. (我在這個辦公室裡永遠找不到剪刀。)
  • give credit to someone:(慣用語)對某人有信心,讚揚歸功某人。
  • go to the ends of earth: (慣用語)竭盡所能/想盡辦法達成某事,通常後加to do something.
〉〉 Most parents in Taiwan would go to ends of the earth to make sure their children have access to higher education. (大多數台灣家長會想盡辦法讓子女接受高等教育。)
  • gets one's way:(片語)隨心所欲、為所欲為。
〉〉 My little brother always gets his own way. (我的小弟總是為所欲為。)
  • get (stand) in the way:(片語)妨礙、阻攔。
〉〉 You know I won't stand in your way if you want to apply for a job abroad. (如果你想應徵國外的工作,我是不會攔你。)
  • go viral: (俚語)指網路內容因被人分享,如病毒迅速蔓延、迅速大流行與受歡迎。viral: (a)病毒的。
  • go down(with): (動詞片語)以某種方式被接受、看待或記錄。
〉〉Our new products go down wells with customers. (客戶對我們的新產品反應不錯。)
  • genre:(n)類型。
〉〉What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy? (這本書屬於哪類?喜劇還是悲劇?) (fall into: 屬於)
  • gaze(vi)(n)凝視;注視
  • generic(a)屬的,類的;一般的,總稱的;非商標的;沒有商標名的(n)通稱;非專利藥;
  • get over( )渡過,穿過;傳送;做完...,結束;走完;克服;克制;從…中恢復過來;把...忘懷;熬過;

