
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - O(o)

  • on behalf of somebody:(慣用語)代表某人。
〉〉 A team of lawyers sued the plant on behalf of families of victims who died of toxic chemicals the plant emitted. (一群律師代表死於工廠排放之有毒化學物質的受害者家屬,控告這家工廠。)
  • offend:(v)冒犯、惹惱。
〉〉 I think she was a bit offended that she hadn't been invited to the party. (沒有邀請她參加聚會,我覺得她有點生氣。)
  • on aggregate:(prep.)總體上、整個來說。aggragaate:(v)指使聚集、總計。
〉〉 This news website aggregates content from many other sites. (這個新聞網站集合了其他許多網站的內容。)
  • offlict:(v)使苦惱、折磨。
〉〉 Unemployment offlicts 1.2 million workers in that country. (那個國家的120萬勞工深受失業之苦。)
  • outlay:(a)花費、費用。
〉〉 outlays for education. (教育經費。)
  • over-the-top:(a)超乎尋常的、過分極端的。
〉〉 The comedy sketch was so over-the-top that most of the audience was embarrassed. (這個喜劇小品的尺度太過火了,讓大部份觀眾感到尷尬。)
  • on the loose: (慣用語)自由地、不受拘束地,在逃。
〉〉 There is an elephant on the loose from the circus. (一隻大象從馬戲團逃跑。)
  • outlay: (n.,v.)開支、花費。
〉〉 The government has slashed military outlays. (政府銷減軍事開支。)
  • on a lark:(phr.)一時興起或基於好玩去做某事。lark(俚語)開玩笑。
〉〉 On a lark we diverted our journey from Los Angeles to New York City. (我們一時興起把旅遊從洛杉磯改到紐約市。)
  • opt:(v)選擇、做出選擇。
〉〉 He has opted to be on the side of the poor. (他決定站在貧民這一邊。)
  • out of the blue:(慣用語)突然,出乎意料。也可做out of a clear (blue) sky。
〉〉 The invasion came out of a clear blue sky and caught everyone off guard. (入侵突如其來,所有人猝不及防。)
  • outpace:(v)(速度、表現等)超越、勝過。
〉〉 Global oil supply will outpace demand in 20 years. (20年內全球石油供應量將超過需求量。)
  • odds-on favorite: (慣用語)賭注中最受歡迎選擇;最大迎面的選擇。
〉〉 Her husband is the odds-on favorite for president of the board of trustees. (她老公是贏面最大的董事會主席人選。)
  • optimal(=optimum):(a)最佳的、最適宜的。
〉〉 A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment. (同時選擇數種基金是未來投資安全收益的最佳選擇。) 
  • on the ground:在地上、當場。
〉〉 Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. (眼望星光,腳踏實地。)
  • on the defensive:(慣用語)採取守勢,辯駁。
〉〉 The boy was on the defensive when questioned about shoplifting. (這男孩在被質疑是否於店內順手牽羊時否認。)
  • of that nature: (形容詞片語)指這種性質的。
〉〉 Thing of that nature will not bother me. (那類事物不會困擾我。)
  • overwhelm:(v)(感情方面)使充滿強烈情緒到難以接受。
〉〉 She was overwhelmed with grief when her husband died. (她丈夫過世時,她悲傷得無法自拔。)
  • on one's own:(慣用語)(無人陪伴或協助)獨自,靠自己。
〉〉 You are on your own now. (你現在只能靠你自己了。)
  • off the shelf:(a)立刻就可取得、不需另行訂購或設計生產的現貨,現成的。
    〉〉 Most off the shelf software package can meet your need. (大多數的套裝軟體都能滿足你的需求。)
    • outbreak:(n)(疾病)突然爆發。
      〉〉 They are preparing for a outbreak of the virus. (我們正準備因應這種病毒爆發疫情。)
      • on the go:(慣用語)持續活動;忙碌。
      • outgoing:(a)即將離職的、友好的、直率的。
      〉〉 She is outgoing. (她為人直率。)
      • origin: (n)來源、來歷。
        〉〉 The story has obscure origins. (這故事的起源不可考。)
        • outgoing: (a)即將離去的、個性直率的。
        〉〉The election winner will succeed outgoing president on June 15th. (選戰的贏家將在6月15日接替將離任的總統大位。)
        • off limits: (形容詞片語)指禁止進入的。
        〉〉What conversation topics are off limits in your culture? (在你們的文化中,什麼聊天話題是禁忌不應該談的?)
        • or else: (口語,非正式用法),作為一種威脅,有時帶有幽默感。
        〉〉Do what I say or else!(照我的話做,否則有你好看!) 
        • on suspicion:(ph.)涉嫌、有...嫌疑。
        〉〉He was detained on suspicion as an accomplice in the robbery. (他因被懷疑是搶劫共犯而被羈押。)
        • onto(prep)到...之上;向...之上;...熟悉,對...了解
        • opinion(n)意見,見解,主張;評價;輿論;(未定的)判斷,鑑定;
        • orientation(n)定位,定向;方針(或態度)的確定;方向,方位,傾向性;適應;熟悉;(對新生的)情況介紹;
        • over(adv)結束;越過;從頭到尾

