
2011年7月7日 星期四

Vocabulary - M(m)

  • militant:(n)激進份子。
〉〉 a protest by angry militants. (一場由憤怒激進人士發動的抗爭。)
  • miscarry:(v)指婦女流產、計畫失敗、信函或貨物未送達。
〉〉 I didn't receive the pacel. It must have miscarried. (我沒有收到包裏,它一定被送錯地方或寄丟了。)
  • moonshine: (n)非法釀製的烈酒(蒸餾酒);另有名詞「胡言亂語」之意。
〉〉 He is just talking moonshine. (他只是胡言亂語。)
  • markup:(n)漲價、漲價額,利潤。
〉〉 markup of 50 dollars. (漲價50元)
  • mock:(v)嘲笑。
〉〉 They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike. (他們笑他老從腳踏車上摔下來。) 
  • monotonous:(a)單調乏味的。用法如:unskilled monotonous work(不需要踏別技術的單調工作),monotonous life(缺乏的人生)。
  • make one's way: (phr. v.)指行走、排除萬難前進、在事業上取得進展。
〉〉 She is determined to make her way. (她下定決心要成功。)
  • make off:(phr)匆忙離開、逃走。
〉〉The burglars made off before the police arrived. (搶匪在警方抵達前逃逸。)
  • Mayday:(n)救難信號。
  • mull:反覆思考、仔細考慮。
〉〉 It was something she had been mulling for a long time. (這是她反覆思考多時的事。)
  • make/take a vow: 發誓、鄭重宣告。
〉〉 She made a vow never to lend money to anyone again. (她發誓絕不再借錢給別人。)
  • make waves:(動詞片語)興風作浪、製造問題、惹麻煩、引起騷動。
〉〉 He was warned not to make waves. (他被告戒過不要興風作浪。)
  • molecule:(n)(化學)分子
〉〉 a molecule of water (水分子)
  • means:(n)工具。
〉〉 We need to find some other means of transportation. (我們得找其他交通工具。)
  • make a monkey(out) of someone:(片語)作弄某人,讓人看來像個傻瓜。
〉〉 Are you trying to make a monkey out of me? (你想讓我看起來像個呆瓜嗎?)(文中為雙關語,若在賭場迷信手氣,豈不像個呆瓜?)
  • menage-a-trois:(n)指三角關係、三角家庭,源自法文,指「三人家庭」。
  • manage: (v)設法做到
〉〉 Can you manage dinner on Saturday? (星期六你能來吃晚餐嗎?)
  • method(n)方法

