? - Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose command help
alias - Displays, creates, or deletes EFI Shell aliases
attrib - Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories
cd - Displays or changes the current directory
cls - Clears standard output and optionally changes background color
comp - Compares the contents of two files
connect - Connects one or more EFI drivers to a device
cp - Copies one or more files or directories to another location
date - Displays or changes the current system date
dblk - Displays one or more blocks from a block device
devices - Displays the list of devices managed by EFI drivers
devtree - Displays the EFI Driver Model compliant device tree
dh - Displays EFI handle information
disconnect - Disconnects one or more EFI drivers from a device
dmem - Displays the contents of memory
dmpstore - Displays all EFI NVRAM variables
drivers - Displays the EFI driver list
drvcfg - Invokes the Driver Configuration Protocol
drvdiag - Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol
echo - Controls batch file command echoing or displays a message
edit - Full screen editor for ASCII or UNICODE files
eficompress - Compress a file
efidecompress - Decompress a file
err - Displays or changes the error level
exit - Exits the EFI Shell environment
for - Executes commands for each item in a set of items
goto - Forces batch file execution to jump to specified location
guid - Displays all registered EFI GUIDs
help - Displays the EFI Shell command list or verbose command help
hexedit - Full screen hex editor
if - Executes commands in specified conditions
ifconfig - Modify the default IP address of UEFI network stack
ipconfig - Displays or modifies the current IP configuration
load - Loads and optionally connects one or more EFI drivers
loadpcirom - Loads a PCI Option ROM
ls - Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory
map - Displays or defines mappings
mem - Displays the contents of memory
memmap - Displays the memory map
mkdir - Creates one or more directories
mm - Displays or modifies MEM/MMIO/IO/PCI/PCIE address space
mode - Displays or changes the console output device mode
mount - Mounts a file system on a block device
mv - Moves one or more files or directories to another location
openinfo - Displays the protocols and agents associated with a handle
pause - Prints a message and waits for keyboard input
pci - Displays PCI device list or PCI function configuration space
ping - Ping a target machine with UEFI network stack
reconnect - Reconnects one or more EFI drivers to a device
reset - Resets the system
rm - Deletes one or more files or directories
sermode - Sets serial port attributes
set - Displays or modifies EFI Shell environment variables
shift - Shifts batch file input parameter positions
smbiosview - Displays SMBIOS information
stall - Stalls the processor for the specified number of microseconds
telnetmgmt - Change terminal type
time - Displays or changes the current system time
timezone - Displays or sets time zone information
touch - Updates filename timestamp with current system date and time
type - Displays file contents
unload - Unloads a EFI driver
ver - Displays EFI Firmware version information
vol - Displays or changes a file system volume label
Shell 2.0(UDK2010) 增加的指令
else -Else identifies the portion of the code executed if the if was FALSE.
endif -Ends the block of a script controlled by an 'if' statement.
endfor -Ends a 'for' loop.
getmtc -Gets the MTC from BootServices and displays it.
bcfg -Manages the boot and driver options that are stored in NVRAM.
setsize -Adjusts the size of a file.
setvar -Changes the value of a UEFI variable.
UDK2014 增加的指令
不好意思我想請問如何use EFI/UEFI Shell commands install windows xp
回覆刪除因為我的作業系統是WIN8,如果要在虛擬器裝windows xp一定要在EFI自己手動下指令,我在國外找到指令http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc749064%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
但是我連FS0都沒有用,我出現的第一行是 2.0 shell:>
目前Windows XP好像沒有支援UEFI;據我所知微軟支援的作業系統Windows Vista(64 Bits), 7(64 Bits), 8(32 and 64 bits),還有8.1(32 and 64 bits)。一般的平台只要用Legacy BIOS都可以裝Windows XP,只要進入System Setup(Press Del or F2 Key),選擇Legacy BIOS only就可以了。
刪除我想請問一下 我在SHELL下要執行EFI檔案,可是執行後直接跳下一行,沒有任何反應該如何處理?
刪除請問如何抓pci configuration space 100h以後的AER
回覆刪除Add "-i" to display the configuration space of Bus 4, Device 0, Function 0 which includes configuration space more than 0x100.
刪除Shell> PCI 00 00 00 -i -b
請問如何查詢PCI configuration space 100h以後的AER
回覆刪除Add "-i" to display the configuration space of Bus 4, Device 0, Function 0 which includes configuration space more than 0x100.
刪除Shell> PCI 00 00 00 -i -b
dow.hua@cova-tech.com或加我賴 dowhua 謝謝
刪除Status = gST->ConOut->SetMode(gST->ConOut, mode);
mode = 0: { 80 x 25 }
mode = 1: { 80 x 50 }
mode = 2: { 80 x 43 }
mode = 3: { 100 x 100 }
mode = 4: { 100 x 999 }
謝謝楊先生你的回覆,我的面板是 XGA (1024 x 768 pixels) resolution ,也是要在shell:> 打入你的程式 (如虛線區)?
Status = gST->ConOut->SetMode(gST->ConOut, mode);
mode = 0: { 80 x 25 }
mode = 1: { 80 x 50 }
mode = 2: { 80 x 43 }
mode = 3: { 100 x 100 }
mode = 4: { 100 x 999 }
1. 您必須自行撰寫程式,去改變顯示模式。
刪除2. 或在System BIOS中(按Del Key),尋找是否有支援Set Console Output Mode <80 x 25>
dow.hua@cova-tech.com or賴 dowhua thanks
刪除Status = gST->ConOut->SetMode(gST->ConOut, mode);
mode = 0: { 80 x 25 }
mode = 1: { 80 x 50 }
mode = 2: { 80 x 43 }
mode = 3: { 100 x 100 }
mode = 4: { 100 x 999 }
回覆刪除如果我要在UEFI 下執行一個程式後 自動加1的計次這要如何寫呢
版主 您好
回覆刪除在UEFI 執行程式後累加計數
刪除請參考[EFI Shell commands -- FOR(在一個項目集合中,去行一個或多個指令對於每個項目)]下的留言範例。
刪除版主 您好
回覆刪除不好意思 看了文章後不是很懂
可以簡單 說明每行的意思嗎
沒有底子 實在很抱歉
存成test1.nsh檔案, 從外部輸入一個數字。\>test1.nsh 50
刪除echo -off
if not exist %1% then
echo [[%1]]
set myval %1%
if exist %myval% then
set myval 0
for %b in 0 1 2 3
for %a run (0 19999)
if %myval% == %a then
echo "[ %a ]"
set mylock 1
if %mylock% == 1 then
set mylock 0
set myval %a
goto Leave_For
echo "%myval%"
set -d mylock
echo -on
範例如下: (請先切換到Shell command line)
\>test1.nsh 50 #設定一個數字
\>test1.nsh #再執行一次
Status = gST->ConOut->SetMode(gST->ConOut, mode);
mode = 0: { 80 x 25 }
mode = 1: { 80 x 50 }
mode = 2: { 80 x 43 }
mode = 3: { 100 x 100 }
mode = 4: { 100 x 999 }
這個部分是哪裡的資料呢? 在EFI spec沒有看到
80 x 25, 80 x 50等等這些數值是解析度的意思嗎?
這是從EDK source擷取,80 x 25文字模式解析度。
刪除由左到右 一列可以80字