DH [-l lang] [handle | -p prot_id] [-d] [-v]
handle - Handle number in hexadecimal format
-p - Protocol ID
-d - Display EFI Driver Model related information
-l - Display information in the specified language
-v - Display verbose information
1. When neither 'handle' nor 'prot_id' is specified, a list of all the
device handles in the EFI environment is displayed.
2. The '-d' option displays EFI Driver Model related information including
parent handles, child handles, all drivers installed on the handle, etc.
3. The '-v' option displays verbose information for the specified handle
including all the protocols on the handle and their details.
4. If the '-p' option is specified, all handles containing the specified
protocol will be displayed. Otherwise, the 'handle' parameter has to be
specified for display. In this case, the '-d' option will be enabled
automatically if the '-v' option is not specified.
* To display all handles one screen at a time:
Shell> dh -b
Handle dump
1: Image(DXE Core)
2: FwVol FwFileSys FwVolBlk DevPath(MemMap(11:1B50000-1D4FFC8))
3: Image(Ebc)
4: DevPath(MemMap(11:1CA0000-1CB0000))
5: Image(WinNtThunk)
6: WinNtThunk DevPath(..76F3-11D4-BCEA-0080C73C8881))
7: Image(WinNtBusDriver) DriverBinding
* To display detailed information for handle 0x30:
Shell> dh 30
Handle 30 (01AF5308)
ROM Size......: 00000000
ROM Location..: 00000000
ISA Resource List :
IO : 000003F8-000003FF Attr : 00000000
INT : 00000004-00000000 Attr : 00000000
PNP Device Path for PnP
HID A0341D0, UID 0
Hardware Device Path for PCI
PNP Device Path for PnP
HID 50141D0, UID 0
AsStr: 'Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1F|0)/Acpi(PNP0501,0)'
* To display all handles associated with the 'diskio' protocol:
Shell> dh -p diskio
Handle dump by protocol 'Diskio'
15: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..i(3|1)/Ata(Secondary,Master))
16: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..,1)/PCI(0|0)/Scsi(Pun0,Lun0))
44: DiskIo BlkIo fs DevPath(..ABD0-01C0-507B-9E5F8078F531)) ESP
45: DiskIo BlkIo fs DevPath(..i(Pun0,Lun0)/HD(Part4,SigG0)) ESP
17: DiskIo BlkIo DevPath(..PCI(3|1)/Ata(Primary,Master))
* To display all handles associated with the 'Image' protocol and break when
the screen is full:
Shell> dh -p Image -b
Handle dump by protocol 'image'
1: Image(DXE Core)
5: Image(WinNtThunk)
7: Image(WinNtBusDriver) DriverBinding
8: Image(Metronome)
A: Image(IsaBus) DriverBinding
B: Image(WinNtConsole) DriverBinding