CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst]
-r - Recursive copy
-q - Quiet copying (replace existing files without prompt)
src - Source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted)
dst - Destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted)Note:
- The '-r' option must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified, then the source directory will be recursively copied to the destination. 'src' itself will be copied.
- If the 'dst' parameter is not specified, then the current directory is assumed to be the destination.
- 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and 'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also copied. The 'dst' parameter will be interpreted as a directory.
- Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed.
- If an error occurs, CP will exit immediately and the remaining files or directories will not be copied.
- When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet copying regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified.
- If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing directory.
* To display the contents of the current directory:
* To display the contents of the current directory:
fs0:\〉 ls
Directory of: fs0:\〉
06/18/01 01:02p 〈DIR〉 512 efi
06/18/01 01:02p 〈DIR〉 512 test1
06/18/01 01:02p 〈DIR〉 512 test2
06/13/01 10:00a 28,739 IsaBus.efi
06/13/01 10:00a 32,838 IsaSerial.efi
06/18/01 08:04p 29 temp.txt
06/18/01 08:05p 〈DIR〉 512 test
3 File(s) 61,606 bytes
4 Dir(s)
* To copy a file in the same directory but change the file name:
fs0:\〉 cp temp.txt readme.txt
copying fs0:\temp.txt -〉 fs0:\readme.txt
- [ok]
* To copy multiple files to another directory:
fs0:\〉 cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \test
copying fs0:\temp.txt -〉 fs0:\test\temp.txt
- [ok]
copying fs0:\isaBus.efi -〉 fs0:\test\IsaBus.efi
- [ok]
* To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory:
fs0:\〉 cp -r test1 test2 boot \test
copying fs0:\test1 -〉 fs0:\test\test1
copying fs0:\test1\test1.txt -〉 fs0:\test\test1\test1.txt
- [ok]
copying fs0:\test2 -〉 fs0:\test\test2
copying fs0:\test2\test2.txt -〉 fs0:\test\test2\test2.txt
- [ok]
copying fs0:\boot -〉 fs0:\test\boot
copying fs0:\boot\shell.efi -〉 fs0:\test\boot\shell.efi
- [ok]
* To verify the results of the cp commands above:
fs0:\〉 ls \test
Directory of: fs0:\test
06/18/01 01:01p 〈DIR〉 512 .
06/18/01 01:01p 〈DIR〉 0 ..
01/28/01 08:21p 〈DIR〉 512 test1
01/28/01 08:21p 〈DIR〉 512 test2
01/28/01 08:21p 〈DIR〉 512 boot
01/28/01 08:23p 29 temp.txt
01/28/01 08:23p 28,739 IsaBus.efi
2 File(s) 28,828 bytes
5 Dir(s)