CD [path]
path - The relative or absolute directory path
1. Type CD without parameters to display the current fs and directory.
2. There must be at least one blank space between CD and path.
3. The 'path' parameter supports certain special characters:
- '.' refers to the current directory.
- '..' refers to the parent directory.
- '\' used at the beginning of the path refers to the root directory of
the current filesystem.
4. CD can only be used to change directories in the current file system.
* To change the current filesystem to the mapped fs0 filesystem:
Shell> fs0:
* To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi':
fs0:\> cd efi
* To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\):
fs0:\efi\> cd ..
* To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\tools':
fs0:\> cd efi\tools
* To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0):
fs0:\efi\tools\> cd \
* To change volumes with cd will not work!! For example:
fs0:\efi\tools\> cd fs1:\ !!!! will not work !!!!
must first type fs1: then cd to desired directory
* To move between volumes and maintain the current path.
fs0:\> cd \efi\tools
fs0:\efi\tools\> fs1:
fs1:\> cd tmp
fs1:\tmp> cp fs0:*.* .
copies all of files in fs0:\efi\tools into fs1:\tmp directory