- 偶數除以2、4、8或16。(48 / 8 = 6)
- 將個位數是5的值乘以2、4、8或16。(8 x 25 = 200)
- 最後將這兩個值做乘法。(6 x 200 = 1200)
115 x 24 = ?
24 / 4 = 6 => 115 * 4 = 460 => 460 x 6 = 2760
12 * 55 = ?
12 / 4 = 3 => 55 * 4 = 220 => 3 * 220 = 660
〉〉a sailing yacht. (一艘航行的遊艇。)
〉〉 After years of xenophobic isolation, the country now encourages tourism. (這個國家在恐外孤立多年後,如今鼓勵發展觀光事業。)
〉〉 We're wresting with the problem. (我們正絞盡腦汁處理此問題。)
〉〉 a would-be suicide (未遂的自殺)
〉〉 The project works out well. (這項計畫進展順利。)
〉〉 I wonder at you. (你怎麼搞的。)
〉〉 I don't want to wind up with all the kids for the weekend. (我不想跟所有這些小孩共度週末。)
〉〉 We built fires to ward off the cold. (我們生火驅寒意。)
〉〉 What if John Fitzgerald Kennedy had not been 會(要是甘迺迪總統沒有被暗殺會怎麼樣?)
〉〉 It is still the rich nations which wield the power. (現在掌握大權的仍是富國。)
〉〉 The government plans to impose a windfall profit tax on oil companies. (政府打算對石油公司徵收暴利稅。)
〉〉 A fat duck waddled across the field. (一隻肥鵝搖搖擺擺地穿過田地。)
〉〉 Anna waived her right to become a police. (安那放棄了當警察的權利。)
〉〉 Josh is still wedded to the Democratic Party. (喬許還是很支持民主黨。)
〉〉 As he walked into the office that morning, there was a spring in this step. (那天早上,他以雀躍步伐走進辦公室。)
〉〉 We have to weed out the weaked player before tourment begins. (我們必須在巡迴賽之前淘汰最弱的球員。)
〉〉The house soon warms up with the heating on. (暖氣一開,屋子裡很快就暖合起來了。)
〉〉I have taken vitamin C in the hope of warding off cold. (我吃了維他命C,希望能預防感冒。)
〉〉 They are vying to win the championship for the fifth year in a row. (他們爭取連續第五年奪冠。)
〉〉 The bus shelter was vandalized by a gang of yoths. (那個公車候車亭被一幫青少年大肆破壞。)
〉〉 The damage to the sculpture is the work of vandals. (該雕塑品遭毀損是有心人士所為。)
〉〉 Don't try to make me the villain. It's your own fault that you're having these problem. (不要讓我當壞人。這是你們自己的錯誤,是你們有這些問題。)
〉〉 venerable family (德高望重的家族。)
〉〉 He was very vulnerable after his divorce. (他在離婚後變得非常脆弱。)
〉〉 The volcano last erupted 25 years ago. (這座火山上次噴發是在25年前。)
〉〉The football fans vent anger at their team's loss by booing the players. (這群足球迷對球員報以噓聲,藉以發洩對他們支持球隊輸球的怒氣。)
〉〉They vied with each other for first place. (他們彼此角逐第一名寶座。)
〉〉 I don't want the flower girl upstaging the bride. (我們不希望這名花童搶走新娘的風采。)
〉〉 The museum of art is closed to the public until further notice. (美術館關閉,何時開放將另行通知。)
〉〉 Underneath his anger is his fear. (隱藏在他憤怒底下的是他的恐懼。)
〉〉 I uesd to drive to work, but now I take MRT. (以前我開車上班,現在改搭捷運。)
〉〉 We uphold the principle of racial equality. (我們支持種族平等原則。)
〉〉 Woman are an untapped driver of economic growth. (女性是有待開發的經濟成長驅動力。)
〉〉 The company will unveil its newst product tomorrow. (公司明天將揭曉最新的產品。)
〉〉 The company's advertisements are ubiquitous. (這家公司的廣告無所不在。)
〉〉 They unfurled the sail. (他們將船帆展開。)
〉〉 The unearthed an old document to solve the mystery of this murder case. (他們找到一份舊文件,以解開謀殺案的謎團。)
〉〉 He gets a whole month of vacation but he uses it up before the year was half over. (他有一整個月的假期,卻在這一年還沒過完一半就用完了。)
〉〉 Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. I won't utter a word. (別擔心,我會幫你保密。我一個字也不會說。)
〉〉 His reputation has been tarnished by racist remarks. (這番種族歧視言論損及他的名聲。)
〉〉 We felt strongly that the trade pact could hurt our workers. We decided to take the matter into our own hands. (我們強烈認為該貿易協定可能傷害我們的勞工。我們決定自力救濟。)
〉〉 The baby is awake thanks to your shouting. (都怪你大叫,把寶寶吵醒了。)
〉〉 To my surprise, he failed to turn up. (令我驚訝的是,他沒有露面。)
〉〉 The study tracked the careers of 1226 doctors who trained at the University of Michigan Medical school. (該研究針對曾在密西根大學醫學院受訓的1226名醫生。)
〉〉 My parents turned up unexpectedly. (我的父母出奇不意地現身。)
〉〉 He didn't turn up at ten. (他十點時沒有出現。)
〉〉 That restaurant's really top-notch. (那家餐廳甄棒。)
〉〉 Man may destroy the balance of nature, but from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge. (畫家試圖描繪日落的壯麗景象。)
〉〉 The new policy gets the thumbs-up from everyone. (這項新政策獲得每個人的支持。)
〉〉 The police haven't done anything about the shoplifting, so local shop owners have taken matters into their own hands. (警方對商店順手牽羊問題毫無作為,當地商店老闆只好自立救濟。)
〉〉 Amy was thrown out form the bar. (艾咪被趕出了酒吧。)
〉〉 Tax break were created to help low-incoming family. (減稅的設計用來幫助低收入家庭。)
〉〉 He tried to thwart my plan. (他設法破壞我的計畫。)
〉〉 My boss tore into me just because he didn't agree with me. (我的主管只因和我意見不同就痛批我。)
〉〉 Don't park your car on the busy thoroughfare. (不要將車停在繁忙的大街上。)
〉〉 The sign said "No Trespassing". (警告牌上說:「不得擅自進入」。)
〉〉 Please take advantage of the consultant while he is here in the office. (請在顧問還在辦公室時多加利用尋求諮詢。)
〉〉 He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. (他拒絕這份工作,因為出差太頻繁。)
〉〉 This performance was tremendous!(這場表演棒極了!)
〉〉 Tranquilizer darts. (麻醉吹箭、麻醉鏢。)
〉〉 Let me think this through and call you tomorrow morning. (讓我好好想想,明早回電話給你。)
〉〉 You'd better tend to you own affairs. (你還是管好自己的事吧。)
〉〉 Did the children take to her? (孩子們喜歡上她嗎?)
〉〉 I have taken to having a shower every morning. (我已習慣在每個早晨沖澡。)
〉〉 He took inspiration from the immense occen. (他從廣闊無邊的大海獲得啟示。)
〉〉 The new laws took effect last year. (新法去年生效。)
〉〉 August is the height of the tourist season. (8月是旅遊旺季。)
〉〉 One can always turn to music for comfort. (一個人總可以從音樂得到安慰。)
〉〉Sponges takes up water. (海綿吸水。)
〉〉Chendler and Ross trade barbs over who should be responsible for the failed project. (錢德勒與羅斯為了誰該為這項失敗的專案負責互相攻擊。)
〉〉 There's a lot of presure at work but he seems to take it all in her stride. (儘管工作上有許多壓力,但他看似以平常心面對。)
〉〉Her said story touched him. (她悲傷的故事處動他。)
〉〉NSB tapped our home phones. (國安局竊聽我們家的電話。)
〉〉 Everything was set according to schedule. (一切都按照時間表準備就緒。)
〉〉 We don't know what happend, we can only speculate. (我們不知道發生什麼事,我們只能推測。)
〉〉 The eight qualified teams will slug it out for world cup title. (這8支晉級球隊將力爭這屆世界盃冠軍。)
〉〉 A stitch in time saves nine. (諺語,即時一針省九針;及時行事,事半功倍。)
〉〉 Drivers are advised to steer clear of the I-10 highway from a aviod heavy traffic. (駕駛人被告知避開I-10公路,以免塞車。)
〉〉 In American foot ball, a touch down scores 6 points. (在美式足球中,一次達陣得6分。)
〉〉 The president skirted controversial issue in his state of the union address. (總統在國情咨文中避談爭議議題。)
〉〉 I'm so stuffed. (我吃得很撐。)
〉〉 He dismissed their theoried as mere speculation. (他駁斥他們的理論只是推測。)
〉〉 He failed to spot the error in time. (他未能及時發現該錯誤。)
〉〉 These maintenance records will shed light on the cause of the car accident. (這些保修記錄將釐清這起車禍的原因。)
〉〉 Many suspicious glances were darted at her. (許多懷疑目光投向她。)
〉〉 Carter asks Kirby to step down as spokesman. (卡特要求柯比卸下發言人的職務。)
〉〉 If price spikes continue, people will not able to afford the new houses they want. (如果價格繼續飆漲,人們可能買不起他們想要的新房子。)
〉〉 THe prize spurred them to work harder. (獎金激勵他們更努力工作。)
〉〉 The compaign has succeeded in raising public awareness of the issue. (這項活動成功喚起大眾對此議題的關注。)
〉〉 After he was attacked, he managed to stagger to the phone and call for help. (他被攻擊後,步履蹣跚地走到電話旁打電話求救。)
〉〉 He struck upon a new plan to attack. (他突然想到一個新的進攻方案。)
〉〉 The taste of the wine was still sticking to his palate. (酒味仍然留在他的嘴裡。)
〉〉 When they see your work, they'll snap up! (當他們看到你的作品,他們會來搶購!)
〉〉 He strides across the room towards me. (他邁開大步從房間另一頭向我走來。)
〉〉 I struck a good place for a holiday. (我找到一個度假的理想地方。)
〉〉 She stumble upon his true identity. (她偶然發現他的真實身分。)
〉〉 Her work had a great influence on subsequent generations. (她的作品對後來的世代有重大影響力。)
〉〉 The new tax policy spells disaster for our economy. (這項新稅制政策預言我國經濟將有災難。)
〉〉 Excisering can help you look younger, feel fitter, stave off illness. (運動能幫你看起來年輕、感覺身材緊實、趕跑病魔。)
〉〉 He shoveled food into his mouth. (他狼吞虎嚥。)
〉〉 The defendant was slapped with $1000 fine. (被告被罰款1000美元。)
〉〉 The rules are subject to change without prior notification. (這些規定可能不會事先通知就逕自改變。)
〉〉 He swindled elderly woman out of their savings. (他詐騙年長女性領取她們的存款。)
〉〉 The tickets were sold out so we couldn't go to the ball game. (票已經賣完了,所以我們無法球場看比賽。)
〉〉 As soon as the world series tickets went on sale, fans snapped them up. (大聯盟世界大賽門票一開賣,球迷就瘋狂搶購。)
〉〉 a staunch friend (忠誠的朋友)
〉〉 The military stepped in and took over the government. (軍方介入接管政府。)
〉〉 The CEO personally signs off on every senior promotion. (執行長正式核准每一項高層升遷案。)
〉〉 An unidentified group has set ablaze a bus. (一個不明團體縱火焚燒一輛巴士。)
〉〉 The party was smashing! (這場派對超讚!)
〉〉 The prisoner was stripped naked. (囚犯被脫得一絲不掛。)
〉〉 She stole the show from the lead actors with just one song. (她光憑一首歌就睥睨主角群,搶盡鋒頭。)
〉〉 They are openly scornful of the new plans.(他們公然嘲笑新的計畫。)
〉〉 You'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are covered with mud. (你最好繼續走主要幹道,因為其他道路都滿是泥濘。)
〉〉 The new regulation could spell disaster for small businesses. (新規定對小企業來說可能意謂著災難。)
〉〉 She never submits to his threat. (她從不屈服於他的威嚇。)
〉〉 They are plotting to spark rebellion. (他們正密謀發動反叛。)
〉〉 There has been a significant increase in the numberof women students in recent years. (近年來,女學生的人數有顯著增加。)
〉〉 The show was a spoof of the three presidental candidated. (這場戲是在諷刺這3名總統候選人。)
〉〉 Shapely conception. (清楚的概念。)
〉〉 I stumbled on the interesting book at library yesterday. (昨天我在圖書館碰巧找到這本有趣的書。)
〉〉 Are you being sarcastic? (你這是在挖苦嗎?)
〉〉 He didn't shy away from making decisions. (他沒有閃避做決策。)
〉〉 We took a shellacking in election. (我們在這場選舉吞了大敗仗。)
〉〉 Paula stood in for Juna, while Jane was on holiday. (珍度假期間,寶拉幫忙代班。)
〉〉 He scoured the pan with steel wool. (他用鋼絲絨刷洗平底鍋。)
〉〉 The antique clock had been smuggled out of the country before the war. (這個骨董鐘在戰前已遭走私出國。)
〉〉 The show was an overnight sensation. (這場秀一夕之間造成轟動。)
〉〉 How many sit-ups can you do in 1 minute? (你一分鐘可以做幾下仰臥起坐?)
〉〉 Smoke and ashes spewed from the volcano. (煙和灰燼從火山口噴發出。)
〉〉 The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four servings. (食譜上寫的份量應該夠4人份。)
〉〉 There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. (像濟慈與雪來的詩人現在很少了。)
〉〉 The casinos had better watch out since I'm obviously on a lucky streak! (賭場最好小心了,因為我現在顯然處於連贏的態勢!)
〉〉 The opposition candidate has a slim chance of success in the coming election. (反對黨候選人在即將到來的選舉中獲勝機會渺茫。)
〉〉 Stem the flow of illegal drugs. (遏止非法毒品的流通。)
〉〉Don't squander your time. (別虛度光陰。)
〉〉My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary. (我的醫師說,我應該開始做點運動,因為我的生活型態太缺乏運動了。)
〉〉These activities should be available to all pupils,not just a select few. (這些活動應該讓所有小學生都參加,而不只是特定少數。)
〉〉Shell is ill, so much so that she cannot walk alone. (她病得很重,以至於連走路都不能了。)
〉〉The country's hope for democracy have been snuffed out. (這國家對民主希望被扼殺了。)
〉〉 First responder to that explosion just arrived on the scene. (處理該爆炸案的第一線應變人員剛抵達現場。)
〉〉 The enemy war routed. (敵人被打敗了。)
〉〉 We have to import an extra 4 million tons of wheat to replenish our reserves. (我們必須額外進口400萬噸小麥,以補充我們的儲備糧食。)
〉〉 He threw the package roughly in the car. (他把行李粗魯地丟入車內。)
〉〉 He regards his teacher highly. (他很尊敬他的老師。)
〉〉 He is remoured to have been married in Australia. (據說她已經在澳洲結了婚。)
〉〉 She raked in a fortune. 她撈進大筆錢財。
〉〉 The local enconomy is resilient well. (當地經濟復原得很好。)
〉〉 Their dispute resulted in war. (他們的爭端引發戰爭。)
〉〉 They were rowing again. (他們又再次爭吵。)
〉〉The report is rife with grammar errors. (這篇報告充斥文法錯誤。)
〉〉 She rebounded quickly from the loss. (她迅速從失敗中反彈振作。)
〉〉 Prices range from $1 to $10. (價格從1美元至10美元都有。)
〉〉 She iis fully recovered from a severe mental illness. (她以從嚴重的心理疾病完全康復。)
〉〉 He stayed there as resident designer for several years. (他以常駐設計師身分待在那裏好幾年。)
〉〉 It might raise diplomatic hackles. (那可能激怒外交界。)
〉〉 The United States has ramped up security at all government buildings after the terrorist attack. (美國在發生恐怖攻擊後,已加強所有政府機關的維安。)
〉〉 Animals can reproduce their own kind. (動物能夠繁殖同類。)
〉〉 Do you realise (that) this is the third time you've forgotten? She said angrily. (「你知不知道這已經是你第三次忘記了?」)她生氣地說。
〉〉 a disease-resistant variety of tomato (抗病害的蕃茄品種)
〉〉 He tries to rise above circumstance. (他試圖不受環境至約。)
〉〉 The students work in relay to clean the classroom after earthquake. (學生在地震後接力清理教室。)
〉〉 Rose and lily are planted in rotation. (玫瑰與百合輪流的方式栽種。)
〉〉 The cats roam around freely in the friendly neighbornhood. (貓咪在友善的社區裡自在遊走。)
〉〉 Monica reserves her best china dishes for important occassions. (莫妮卡將她最好的磁器餐具留待重要的場合使用。)
〉〉 The society urges to repeal the year-end bonus of retired civil servants. (社會疾呼廢除退休公務員的年終慰問金。)
〉〉 The governor has not rule out the possibility to run for presidency. (州長不排除競選總統的可能性。)
〉〉 The manager decided to vevamp the design of its best-selling product. (經理決定重整期最暢銷產品的設計。)
〉〉 I made a reference to a directory before replying to you. (我回覆你前曾參考字典。)
〉〉 The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen make water. (氫和氧的作用產生水。)
〉〉 He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long. (他是坐不住那型的 - 從來不會在一個國家待太久時間。)
〉〉 The allies retook the city after severe fighting. (經過激戰後盟軍重奪該城。)
〉〉 a pile of refuse. (一堆廢料。)
〉〉 Thomas will need to do months of physical rehabilitation after a knee surgery. (湯瑪士在膝蓋手術後需要做數個月的身體復健。)
〉〉 (v)rehabiliate: The country is trying to rehabilitate its slum areas. (國家正試著重整貧民窟地區。)
〉〉 She had a row with her neighbor. (她與她的鄰居吵了一架。)
〉〉Please ring it up for me. (請幫我結帳。)
〉〉 The quadruplets are three sisters and one brother. (4胞胎為3女1男。)
〉〉 It is questionable whether this goal can be achieived. (能不能達到這個目標還有問題。)
〉〉 I've been trying to get rid of this pesky guy for weeks. (我已試圖擺脫這個惱人的傢伙好幾週了。)
〉〉 The taste of raw garlic is very pronounced. (生大蒜的味道非常明顯。)
〉〉 We are plotting to rob the bank. (我們正密謀搶銀行。)
〉〉 The effort pay off in the long run. (這種努力最終會得到好結果。)
〉〉 She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. (她似乎有點太早放棄這份工作。)
〉〉 Amy was prone to emotional outbursts under stress. (愛咪在壓力下容易情緒爆發。)
〉〉 We have to take precautions against fire. (我們須採取防火措施。)
〉〉 I won't pay over the odds for this car. (我不會為這輛車付出超過其應有價值的錢。)
〉〉 Property in the area tends to be prohibitively expensive. (這個地區的房價,越來越讓人望之卻步。)
〉〉 A series of bad management decisions are responsible for the company's plunge into debt. (一連串糟糕的經營決策,是造成這家公司陷入負債的原因。)
〉〉 He's engaged in family trade, passed down from generation to generation. (他是做家族事業,一代一代傳下來的。)
〉〉 She penned a note of thanks to her hostness. (她寫了一封感謝函給女主人。)
〉〉 After the team won the championship, the city had a parade for them. (在那支球隊贏得冠軍,這座城市為他們舉辦遊行。)
〉〉 Her curiosity prompted her to ask questions. (她的好奇心驅使她發問。)
〉〉 Politicians often win votes by playing on people's emotions. (政客經常藉由玩弄民眾的感情贏得選票。)
〉〉 Our enemy took possession of the land. (我們的敵人佔據了那塊土地。)
〉〉 I'm told I have a very pronounced English accent when I speak French. (有人告訴我,我說法文時英國口音非常明顯。)
〉〉 She has extraordinary power of perception for one so young. (她這麼年輕就有超凡的洞察力。)
〉〉 How can I prevent myself from being tagging in Facebook photos? (我該怎麼做才能讓自己不被標註再臉書照片上?)
〉〉 Government forces have pacified the riots. (政府軍弭平暴動。)
〉〉 She tried her best to pull of the competition. (她卯足全力贏得該場比賽。)
〉〉 She pleaded guilty to the charge brought against her. (她承認所有加諸於她的指控罪名。)
〉〉 put up a fingerpost (豎立路標)。
〉〉 He speaks up against America's persecution of suspected communists. (他為美國迫害疑似共產主義者發聲。)
〉〉 The ending to the film was just so predictable. (這部電影的結局真老套。)
〉〉 In chapter 2 she goes on to test the plausibility of these assumptions. (這第二章裡,她繼續檢驗這些假說的可信度。)
〉〉 She put several suggestions forward in the meeting. (她在會議上提出幾項建議。)
〉〉 She was arrested while on probation. (她在緩刑期間遭到逮捕。)
〉〉 Temperature are expected to plummet this weekend. (這週末的氣溫預估會直線下降。)
〉〉 I put my hand into the hat and presto! Out comes a rabbit! (我將手放進帽子,瞬間跑出一隻兔子。)
〉〉 Islamophobic (伊斯蘭恐懼症、反伊斯蘭的。)
〉〉 Did he pop the question last night? (他昨晚求婚了嗎?)
〉〉 The play has been pulling the crowd in since it opened. (這齣劇自開演起就吸引許多人觀賞。)
〉〉 Beijing unveiled dramatic steps to prop up its stock market. (中國政府公佈提振期股市的重大措施。)
〉〉 The gun pointed directly at her. She was frightened. (她被槍指著,嚇壞了。)
〉〉 She pulled off a million-pound deal. (她好不容易做成一筆百萬英鎊的生意。)
〉〉 The student started tp learn to punctuate correctly. (學生開始學習正確地使用標點符號。)
〉〉 She tried hard to piece together all the facts. (她努力將所有的事實拼湊起來。)
〉〉 Small businesses have proliferation in the last ten years. (小企業在過去10年間大量湧現。)
〉〉 Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. (日本是全世界最常發生地震的國家之一。)
〉〉 Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning. (一週幫這些植物澆2次水,最好早上澆。)
〉〉 plaster walls(石灰泥牆)
〉〉 Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known. (結果尚未分曉,他們似乎過早批評了。)
〉〉 The prevalence of smoking amongst teenagers. (抽菸在青少年族群風行的程度。)
〉〉 I have never heard my father use a single profanity. (我從沒聽過我父親講髒話。)
〉〉 I would rather not press the case. (我傾向不再追究此事。)
〉〉 one-arm ppress-up. (單手伏地挺身。)
〉〉 It paied off. (搞定了。)
〉〉 He needs to pay off all his debts. (他需要還清他所有的債務。)
〉〉 The organization is committed to AIDS prevention and education. (該組織致力於愛滋病防治與教育。)
〉〉 Disneyland presents their spectacular festival pageant: The Mainstreet Electrical Parade. (迪士尼樂園定期地呈現它們的華麗喜慶盛宴:電子花車大遊行。)
〉〉 They collected 10,000 signatures on a petition to amend the referendum act. (他們在請願書蒐集了1萬個簽名以修正公投法。)
〉〉There are 32 million people live below the poverty line in Indonisia. (印尼有3200萬人生活在貧窮線之下。)
〉〉The protest movement poses a direct threat to their interests. (抗議運動對他們的利益構成直接威脅。)
〉〉The increasing popularity of organic food. (有機食品越來越受歡迎。)
〉〉We must all pitch in and do our part. (我門必須伸援幫忙,盡自己的一份力。)
〉〉The small cat pushed up against my foot, meowing for food. (那隻小貓挨著我的腳磨蹭,喵喵叫著乞食。)
The cop ordered him to pull over. (那警察命令他路邊停車。)
〉〉He didn't pick up on the hint. (他沒有注意到這個暗示。)
〉〉 A team of lawyers sued the plant on behalf of families of victims who died of toxic chemicals the plant emitted. (一群律師代表死於工廠排放之有毒化學物質的受害者家屬,控告這家工廠。)
〉〉 I think she was a bit offended that she hadn't been invited to the party. (沒有邀請她參加聚會,我覺得她有點生氣。)
〉〉 This news website aggregates content from many other sites. (這個新聞網站集合了其他許多網站的內容。)
〉〉 Unemployment offlicts 1.2 million workers in that country. (那個國家的120萬勞工深受失業之苦。)
〉〉 outlays for education. (教育經費。)
〉〉 The comedy sketch was so over-the-top that most of the audience was embarrassed. (這個喜劇小品的尺度太過火了,讓大部份觀眾感到尷尬。)
〉〉 There is an elephant on the loose from the circus. (一隻大象從馬戲團逃跑。)
〉〉 The government has slashed military outlays. (政府銷減軍事開支。)
〉〉 On a lark we diverted our journey from Los Angeles to New York City. (我們一時興起把旅遊從洛杉磯改到紐約市。)
〉〉 He has opted to be on the side of the poor. (他決定站在貧民這一邊。)
〉〉 The invasion came out of a clear blue sky and caught everyone off guard. (入侵突如其來,所有人猝不及防。)
〉〉 Global oil supply will outpace demand in 20 years. (20年內全球石油供應量將超過需求量。)
〉〉 Her husband is the odds-on favorite for president of the board of trustees. (她老公是贏面最大的董事會主席人選。)
〉〉 A mixture of selected funds is an optimum choice for future security and return on investment. (同時選擇數種基金是未來投資安全收益的最佳選擇。)
〉〉 Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. (眼望星光,腳踏實地。)
〉〉 The boy was on the defensive when questioned about shoplifting. (這男孩在被質疑是否於店內順手牽羊時否認。)
〉〉 Thing of that nature will not bother me. (那類事物不會困擾我。)
〉〉 She was overwhelmed with grief when her husband died. (她丈夫過世時,她悲傷得無法自拔。)
〉〉 You are on your own now. (你現在只能靠你自己了。)
〉〉 Most off the shelf software package can meet your need. (大多數的套裝軟體都能滿足你的需求。)
〉〉 They are preparing for a outbreak of the virus. (我們正準備因應這種病毒爆發疫情。)
〉〉 She is outgoing. (她為人直率。)
〉〉 The story has obscure origins. (這故事的起源不可考。)
〉〉The election winner will succeed outgoing president on June 15th. (選戰的贏家將在6月15日接替將離任的總統大位。)
〉〉What conversation topics are off limits in your culture? (在你們的文化中,什麼聊天話題是禁忌不應該談的?)
〉〉Do what I say or else!(照我的話做,否則有你好看!)
〉〉He was detained on suspicion as an accomplice in the robbery. (他因被懷疑是搶劫共犯而被羈押。)
〉〉 a notch above others (高人一等)
〉〉 I want to take a little nap. (我想小睡一下。)
〉〉 What nationality are you? (你是哪個國家的人?)
〉〉 There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking. (提姆做某有很大的進步。)
〉〉 His nonchalant manner infuriated me. (他無動於衷的態度激怒我。)
〉〉 Stars in the sky are a mavelous nocturnal sight. (滿天星斗是美妙的夜間景觀。)
〉〉 naturally-occurring uranium (天然鈾)
〉〉 Secret data show there were over 1000 medical negligence claims against the NHS in the past five years. (秘密資料顯示過去5年內對英國國民健保服務有超過1000起的醫療疏失索賠。)
〉〉 I don't think that is going to be possible, but she doesn't take no for an answer. (我認為這不可能,但她仍不放棄。)
〉〉 He is by native inclined to be rather lazy. (他天生就懒。)
〉〉 He was named after his father who died in the Vietnam War. (他以在越戰中死去的父親命名。)
〉〉Nothing says love like home made chocolate chip cookies and a bottle of hot sauce. (說到愛情,就像巧克力薄片餅乾和一瓶辣椒醬。)
〉〉 a protest by angry militants. (一場由憤怒激進人士發動的抗爭。)
〉〉 I didn't receive the pacel. It must have miscarried. (我沒有收到包裏,它一定被送錯地方或寄丟了。)
〉〉 He is just talking moonshine. (他只是胡言亂語。)
〉〉 markup of 50 dollars. (漲價50元)
〉〉 They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike. (他們笑他老從腳踏車上摔下來。)
〉〉 She is determined to make her way. (她下定決心要成功。)
〉〉The burglars made off before the police arrived. (搶匪在警方抵達前逃逸。)
〉〉 It was something she had been mulling for a long time. (這是她反覆思考多時的事。)
〉〉 She made a vow never to lend money to anyone again. (她發誓絕不再借錢給別人。)
〉〉 He was warned not to make waves. (他被告戒過不要興風作浪。)
〉〉 a molecule of water (水分子)
〉〉 We need to find some other means of transportation. (我們得找其他交通工具。)
〉〉 Are you trying to make a monkey out of me? (你想讓我看起來像個呆瓜嗎?)(文中為雙關語,若在賭場迷信手氣,豈不像個呆瓜?)
〉〉 Can you manage dinner on Saturday? (星期六你能來吃晚餐嗎?)
〉〉 I'm really looking forward to seeing you in Taipei next week. (我很期待下週在台北與你相見。)
〉〉 She laughed off the incident. (她對這件事一笑置之。)
〉〉 The actress has been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor. (這位女星一值被比做是年輕版的玉婆伊麗莎白、泰勒。)
〉〉 if they want to throw their money away, that is their lookout. (如果他們想亂花錢,那是他們自己的事。)
〉〉 Her family is known for its longevity. (她的家族以長壽知名。)
〉〉 She let loose a long sigh. (她發出一道長聲嘆息。)
〉〉 You're going to land in jail if you don't mend your ways. (你若不修正你的做法,就等著吃牢飯。)
〉〉 God leaders must lead by example. (好的領導人必須以身作則。)
〉〉 I found her in a light-hearted mood. (我覺得她的心情不錯。)
〉〉 She sorted the laundry. (她把髒衣分類。)
〉〉 You act like lovestruck teenager. (你的行為就像被愛沖昏的年輕小夥子。)
〉〉 We all languished in the tropocal climate. (受熱帶氣候影響,我們都變得疲倦無力。)
〉〉 His coworkers regarded him as the boss's lapdog. (他的工作夥伴視他為老闆的寵物狗。)
〉〉 You should look to the future. (你應該往前看。)
〉〉 I will call again later on. (我以後再打電話來。)
〉〉 Rachel latched on to a rich guy at the party. (瑞秋在派對上緊纏著一個有錢的傢伙。)
〉〉 His carelessness has landed him in trouble. (他的粗心大意已讓他陷入麻煩。)
〉〉 Look at Josh's Ferrari! He must be loaded. (看看喬許的法拉利! 他一定很有錢。)
〉〉 We enjoyed Lucullan food and wines that night. (我們那天晚上享受了奢華美食和美酒。)
〉〉 We are looking forward to your visit next month. (我們期待你下個月來訪。)
〉〉 TSA callected $531,000 in loose change last year. (美國運輸安全局去年蒐集到53萬1000美元的零錢。)
〉〉 Most digital watches use LED display. (大多數的電子表使用發光二極體顯示螢幕。)
〉〉 She leads a happt life with her husband. (她和她的先生過著快樂的生活。)
〉〉 They took out a two-year lease on the house. (他們解除房子為期兩年的租約。)
〉〉 Finding a job there is a lottery. (要在那兒找到工作全得碰運氣。)
〉〉 J.M.W Turner is one of Britain's best-known landscape Painters. (透納是英國最著名的風景畫畫家之一。)
〉〉People celebration the liberation from colonial slavery. (人民歡慶從殖民奴役中解放。)
〉〉 I'm liiking forward to my trip to Hokkaido next year. (我期待明年的北海道之旅。)
〉〉Listen for the footsteps that are getting closer. (注意聽那逐漸接近的腳步聲音。)
〉〉Sam always makes plan for everything. He doesn't leave anything to chance. (山姆向來位每件事情做好計畫。他對任何事情都不心存僥倖。)
〉〉 Our food was cold so my father kicked up a fuss and refused to pay the service charge. (我們的食物是冷的,所以我爸大聲抱怨,拒絕付小費。)
〉〉 Rachel always keeps to herself. (瑞秋總是獨來獨往。)
〉〉 He tried to persuade her to knock down the price of the apartment. (他嘗試說服她降低公寓的價格。)
〉〉 From now on I am going to keep track of every cent I spread. (從現在起,我要了解我的每分錢用在哪裡。)
〉〉 She works to keep juveniles away from drugs. (她致力於讓青少年遠離毒品。)
〉〉 Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today. (說話小心點,他今天脾氣頗大。)
〉〉 All of the noise was interfering with my concentration. (所有的噪音干擾我的集中力。)
〉〉 I am in debt to her for 500 dollars. (我欠她500元。)
〉〉 Police officers have to do things they may not like in the line of duty. (警察執行公務時,必須去做他們或許不喜歡的事。)
〉〉 She impale him on a dilemma. (她讓他進退維谷。)
〉〉 This drug inhibit the growth of tumours. (這種藥可以抑制腫瘤生長。)
〉〉 My rights must not be infringed. (我的專利不得被侵犯。)
〉〉 It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years. (從他們風趣的親暱言行,可明顯看出他們已是多年好友。)
〉〉 They are immun to criticism. (他們對批評免疫。)
〉〉 The country was in the grip of a continuing and depression. (這國家陷入持續且深層的衰退。)
〉〉 The police are in hot pursuit of the suspect. (警方強力追緝該名嫌犯。)
〉〉 Poor food will impair your health. (粗劣的食物會損害你的健康。)
〉〉 She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture. (她從圖書館借了一些書,然後沉浸在猶太歷史和文化之中。)
〉〉 You can sense change is in the air. (你能感覺到改變即將到來。)
〉〉 A widower whose wife was killed in front of their toddler son when an 85-year-old driver confused the pedals of his car has made an impassioned plea for his family's story to be used as a cautionary tale against dangerous driving among the elderly. (1名鰥夫慷慨激昂地籲請眾人,將他的妻子在幼子面前被搞錯汽車踏板的85歲駕駛人撞死的家族故事,故為老年人駕駛危險性的警告教訓。)
〉〉 Most people with this insidious disease have no idea they are infected. (大多數人罹患這種難察覺的疾病,都不知道他們已被感染。)
〉〉 Many politicians are intoxicated with power. (許多政治人物權力薰心。)
〉〉 hunger and disease in the wake of war (戰爭帶來的飢餓與疾病)
〉〉 The map indicates where the treasure is buried. (地圖顯示寶藏埋藏所在地。)
〉〉 The whole plot of film is ridiculously implausible. (這部電影的情節全都荒謬得讓人難以置信。)
〉〉 Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings. (觀光業為了這座島嶼帶來40%無形的收益。)
〉〉 The chief were ingenious at finding reasons not to move. (這些首長善於尋找按兵不動的理由。)
〉〉 The government has been unable to control inflation. (政府已無法控制通貨膨脹。)
〉〉 The president is criticized for his insularity. (總統因心胸狹隘遭批評。)
〉〉 The two rooms were virtually identical. (這兩房間幾乎一模一樣。)
〉〉 His installation as mayor will take place tomorrow. (他的市長就職典禮將在明天舉行。)
〉〉 The proposal of the government to impose a tax of 1% real property was rejected by all the larger cities. (政府開徵1%房地產稅的提案遭所有大城市拒絕。)
〉〉 He behavior is incompatible with her role. (他的行為和他的身分不相稱。)
〉〉 When he called, I was in the middle of feeding my cat. (他打電話來時我正在餵貓。)
〉〉 She has a really intriguing personality. (她的個性真的很有魅力。)
〉〉 In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. (如果下雨,派對將在室內舉行。)
〉〉 An infusion of 100,000 dollars into the company is required. (公司需要注入10萬美元的資金。)
〉〉 They wear identical coats. (他們穿一模一樣的外套。)
〉〉 The light bulb was one of the most important invention of the 19th century. (燈泡是19世紀最重要的發明之一。)
〉〉 What are the ingredients of the cake? (這蛋糕是用哪些原料作成的?)
〉〉 In case of urgency, the court may grant an injunction. (在緊急情況下,法院可能授予禁止令。)
〉〉 Vehicular homicide is not a slight infraction but a serious felony. (車禍致人於死並非輕微的違法,而是嚴重的犯罪。)
〉〉 The suspect is cooperating with police in hopes of reducing his sentence. (嫌犯與警方合作盼能藉此減輕刑責。)
〉〉 His conviction of a robbery led to his incarceration. (他因搶劫被定罪進而入獄。)
〉〉 These gangster are in the cross-hairs of police and they will have no place to hide. (這群匪徒是警方打擊對象,無處可躲。)
〉〉The book was inspired by his travels in the Far East. (這本書是他在遠東旅行時發想的。)
〉〉My wife is in labor. (我老婆正在生產。)
〉〉Nowaday people are paying more attention to intellectal property rights. (現在人們日益注重智慧財產權。)
〉〉 The warm weather is harbinger of spring. (溫暖天氣預告春天即將到來。)
〉〉 We left the hurly-byrly of city life and moved the contryside. (我們離開喧鬧的都市生活,搬到鄉下去。)
〉〉 Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature below 35C. (核心溫度低於攝氏35度就是失溫。)
〉〉 He lives on handouts from the government. (他靠政府發放救濟金過活。)
〉〉 a heartwarming sight (感人的一幕)
〉〉 I'd had enough of Lydia's histrionics. (我受夠了莉迪亞的裝模作樣。)
〉〉 Joey denies that he is a homewrcker. (喬伊否認破壞人家家庭。)
〉〉 He helped others at the hazard of his life. (他冒著生命危險幫助別人。)
〉〉 The goats are herded into the corral. (羊隻被成群趕進畜欄。)
〉〉 Returning swallows herald spring. (歸來的燕子預告春天來臨。)
〉〉 These legends have been hand down from generation to generation. (這些傳說被一代代傳下來。)
〉〉 He wants to hand down his knowledge from generation to generation. (他想讓自己的知識代代相傳。)
〉〉 She handed the car keys over to her friend. (他把車鑰匙交給她的朋友。)
〉〉 These bank robber had holed up in the mountains for months before they were arrested. (這批銀行強盜犯被捕前,曾藏匿在這處山區好幾個月。)
〉〉 A human being who is hardwired to be sociable. (社交是人類與生俱來的本性。)
〉〉 We were ordered to hand over our passports. (有人命令我們交出護照。)
〉〉Cattle hides. (牛皮。)
〉〉 Our new products didn't go down well with consumers. (消費者對我們的新產品反應不佳。)
〉〉 After I have had time to give some thought to the matter, I will call you. (在我對此事詳加思考一陣子後,會打電話給你。)
〉〉 We have found ways to get round the tax rules. (我們找出規避這些稅務規定的方式。)
〉〉 The alarm would go off at 7 o'clock. (鬧鐘7點江鈴聲大作。)
〉〉 She never gets used to them. (她一直看不慣他們。)
〉〉 Footage of the candidate's off-color remarks went viral within minutes. (這位候選人低俗的評論影片,幾分鐘之內就在網路上瘋狂流傳開來。)
〉〉 These skills will give you a leg up in the job market. (這些技能會幫助你在就業市場裡成功找到工作。)
〉〉 Why are you giving me the cold shoulder? (你為什麼對我這麼冷淡?)
〉〉 You'd better get a grip on yourself. (你最好控制自己的情緒。)
〉〉 'I grant you' means I accept something is true, even though my opnion about it does not change. (「我承認你」意指我接受某事屬實,雖然我對它的觀點並未改變。)
〉〉 I managed to pack all my gears into my suitcase. (我試著把所有裝備塞進行李箱裡。)
〉〉 She is trying to get in on the new club. (他設法加入那個新俱樂部。)
〉〉 He often cheats on the test. He will get busted sooner or later. (他考試時常作弊,遲早會被逮到。)
〉〉 Fraud ring usually cook up a story to deceive unwary, gullible people like you. (詐騙集團通常都編出伊套說詞,欺騙像你們這種沒警覺心又好騙的人。)
〉〉 Amy gnawed on her fingernail when she felt nervous. (艾美感到緊張時會咬指甲。)
〉〉 I can never lay my hands on a pair of scissor in this office. (我在這個辦公室裡永遠找不到剪刀。)
〉〉 Most parents in Taiwan would go to ends of the earth to make sure their children have access to higher education. (大多數台灣家長會想盡辦法讓子女接受高等教育。)
〉〉 My little brother always gets his own way. (我的小弟總是為所欲為。)
〉〉 You know I won't stand in your way if you want to apply for a job abroad. (如果你想應徵國外的工作,我是不會攔你。)
〉〉Our new products go down wells with customers. (客戶對我們的新產品反應不錯。)
〉〉What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy? (這本書屬於哪類?喜劇還是悲劇?) (fall into: 屬於)
〉〉 The idea sounded interring and I decided to follow it up. (這個想法聽起來很有趣,我決定要進一步了解。)
〉〉 I have to forego my vacation for this big project. (為了這項重要專案,我必須放棄度假。)
〉〉 A complaint has been filed against me. (對我的控訴日被提出。)
〉〉 please free up your schedule for this meeting. (請為這場會議空出時間。)
〉〉 They have only the flimsiest of evidence against him. (他們只有這個薄弱的證據去反駁他。)
〉〉 a fleeting glimpse 匆匆一撇;a fleeting visit 短戰的訪問
〉〉 Swallows are the forerunners of spring. (燕子現身是春天來臨的前兆。)
〉〉 Money and power feed on each other. (金錢與權力彼此助長。)
〉〉 The crime is considered a felony under state law. (在州法律規定下,這項罪行被認定為重罪。)
〉〉 She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her. (她必須面對他不會娶她的事實。)
〉〉 Don't follow the example of your father one day when you are married. (有一天你結婚了,別學你老爸的樣子。)
〉〉 Violent fluctuations in oil prices will affect the global economy. (油價劇烈波動將影響全球經濟。)
〉〉 He finally found out what his wife wanted. (她終於知道她的妻子要什麼。)
〉〉 It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the room. (這張沙發很漂亮,但是跟房間其他家具不搭。)
〉〉 Ross quit smoking for the sake of his children's health. (羅斯為了它的孩子的健康著想戒煙了。)
〉〉 Those young guys are all in a flurry. (那些年輕人慌慌張張、毛毛躁躁的。)
〉〉 The designer is feted in New York. (那個設計師在紐約很受歡迎。)
〉〉 The mud helped to preserve and fossilize the wood. (泥將能幫助木頭保存及石化。)
〉〉 He is flaunting his fancy car again. (他又在炫耀他的高級名車。)
〉〉 After a tragic battle for management right of company, the board of directors soon split into factions. (在公司經營權腥風血雨的爭奪戰後,董事會很快就分裂成數派。)
〉〉 I'll follow up on it and make sure everything is done right. (我會追蹤進度,確保萬無一失。)
〉〉 Joey fended off these attackers with bare hands. (喬伊徒手擊退這群攻擊者。)
〉〉 It is quite difficult for her to fight back against three of them by herself. (他一個人要反擊他們3人並非易事。)
〉〉 Wood floats on water. (木頭飄浮在水面上。)
〉〉 The way he flaunts his wealth is so disgusting. (他炫富的樣子真令人討厭。)