
2011年11月14日 星期一

SATA Abbreviation Table(SATA簡寫表)

  1. A – asserted
  2. N – negated
  3. na - specifies the content of a bit or field is not applicable to the particular command.
  4. obs - specifies that the use of this bit is obsolete.
  5. BSY - Busy
  6. DF - Device fault
  7. DRQ  - Data request
  8. DRDY  - Device ready
  9. ERR  - Error
  10. WP - shall be set to one if the media in a removable media device is write protected.
  11. MC - shall be set to one if the media in a removable media device changed since the issuance of the last command. The device shall clear the device internal media change detected state. 
  12. IDNF - shall be set to one if a user-accessible address could not be found. IDNF shall be set to one if an address outside of the range of user-accessible addresses is requested if command aborted is not returned. 
  13. MCR - shall be set to one if a media change request has been detected by a removable media device. This bit is only cleared by a GET MEDIA STATUS or a media access command. 
  14. ABRT - shall be set to one if this command is not supported or if an error, including an ICRC error, has occurred during an Ultra DMA data transfer. ABRT may be set to one if the device is not able to complete action requested by the command. ABRT shall be set to one if an address outside of the range of user-accessible addresses is requested if IDNF is not set to one.
  15. NM - shall be set to one if no media is present in a removable media device.
  16. LBA Low, LBA Mid, LBA High, Device - shall be written with the address of first unrecoverable error. 
  17. DEV - shall indicate the selected device. 
  18. BSY - shall be cleared to zero indicating command completion.
  19. UNC - shall be set to one if data is uncorrectable.
  20. HOB = 0 - indicates the value read by the host when the HOB bit of the Device Control register is cleared to zero. 
  21. HOB = 1 - Indicates the value read by the host when the HOB bit of the Device Control register is set to one.
  22. ICRC - shall be set to one if an interface CRC error has occurred during an Ultra DMA data transfer. The content of this bit is not applicable for Multiword DMA transfers.

