Offset Size Value Description
0x00 Byte 0x55 Signature byte 1.
0x01 Byte 0xAA Signature byte 2.
0x02 Byte Varies Option ROM length in 512byte Blocks.
0x03 4Bytes Varies Initialization entry point(BIOS進入點).
0x07 17Bytes Varies Reserved(保留).
0x18 2Bytes Varies Offset to PCI data structure.
0x1A 2Bytes Varies Offset to expansion header structure.
[PCI Data Structure]
Offset Size Value Description
0x00 Byte ? Signature byte 1.
0x01 Byte ? Signature byte 2.
0x02 Byte ? Signature byte 3.
0x03 Byte ? Signature byte 4.
0x04 2Bytes Varies Vendor Identification(廠商識別碼).
0x06 2Bytes Varies Device Identification(裝置識別碼).
0x08 2Bytes Varies Pointer to Vital Product Data().
0x0A 2Bytes Varies PCI Data Structure Length(PCI資料結構長度)..
0x0C Bytec Varies PCI Data Structure Revision(PCI資料結構修訂版).
0x0D 3Bytes Varies Class Code(分類碼).
0x10 2Bytes Varies Image Length(影像長度).
0x12 2Bytes Varies Revision Level of Code/Data(程式碼/資料的修訂層級).
0x14 Byte Varies Code Class程式碼的型態.
0x15 Byte Varies Indicator(指標).
0x16 2Bytes Reserved(保留).
[Code Type] The Code Type field is a one-byte field that identifies the type of code contained in this section of the ROM. The code may be executable binary for a specific processor and system architecture or interpretive code. The following code types are assigned:
Type Description
0 Intel x86, PC-AT compatible
1 Open Firmware standard for PCI 7
2 Hewlett-Packard PA RISC
3 Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI)
4-FF Reserved
[Last Image Indicator] Bit 7 in this field tells whether or not this is the last image in the ROM. A value of 1 indicates “last image;” a value of 0 indicates that another image follows. Bits 0-6 are reserved.
[PnP Expansion Header]
Offset Size Value Description
0x00 Byte ? Signature byte 1.
0x01 Byte ? Signature byte 2.
0x02 Byte ? Signature byte 3.
0x03 Byte ? Signature byte 4.
0x04 Byte 0x01 Structure revision(結構修訂版).
0x05 Byte Varies Length(in 16 byte increment)(以16Byte為單位基準值).
0x0A 4Bytes Varies Device identifier(裝置識別).
0x15 Byte Varies Device indicators(裝置表指標)
0x16 2Bytes Varies Boot Connection Vector(BCV), 0x0000 if none(開機鏈結向量, 0x0000:無).
0x18 2Bytes Varies Disconnection Vector(DV), 0x0000 if none(分離向量, 0x0000:無).
0x1A 2Bytes Varies Bootstrap Entry Vector(BEV), 0x0000 if none(啟動程式登入向量, 0x0000:無 )
0x1C 2Bytes 0x0000 Reserved(保留).